Technical Regulations |
23/05/2002 |
Specific Regulations for Super 2000(Modified Production Cars) on Circuits
Large-scale series production touring cars modified by a kit.
The engine used must be derived from the homologated model modified by the kit.
At least 2500 fully identical units must have been produced in 12 consecutive months and homologated by the FIA in Production Cars (Group N). Supply Variants (VF) homologated in Touring Cars (Group A) are also valid in Production Cars (Group N). Option Variants (VO) of the Touring Cars (Group A) form shall not be valid in Production Cars (Group N), unless they refer to:
- safety rollcage;
- seat supports and anchorages;
- safety harness mounting points.
Evolutions of the type (ET), kit variants (VK) and sporting evolutions (ES) homologated in Group A are not valid in Production Cars (Group N) or Super Production. Nevertheless, evolutions of the type and sporting evolutions homologated in Group A as from 01.01.97 are valid in Group N. The whole or partial use of the KIT variant according to the manufacturer’s instructions contained in the homologation form is obligatory.
A homologation form in addition to the Super 2000 form will be
This form will comprise parts already homologated in Super Production, and will be valid for the year 2002 only.
Cars must have at least four places, in accordance with the dimensions defined for Touring Cars (Group A).
All modifications which are not explicitly allowed by the present regulations are forbidden.
An authorised modification may not entail a non-authorised modification.
The only work which may be carried out on the car is that necessary for its normal servicing, or for the replacement of parts damaged through wear or accident.
The limits of the modifications and fittings allowed are specified hereinafter.
Apart from these, any part damaged through wear or accident can only be replaced by an original part identical to the damaged one.
Throughout the car, any bolt, nut or screw may be replaced by any other bolt, nut or screw, provided that they are made from the same family of material and have the same diameter as the original part and have a locking device of any kind (washer, lock nut, etc.).
The cars must be strictly series production models identifiable from the homologation form data. Articles 251, 252 and 253 of the FIA Appendix J remain applicable, but the articles set out in the present regulations and the Super 2000 kit form have predominance.
Even if not explicitly prohibited, any modification that is not in keeping with the spirit of the regulations and that may increase the price of the car shall be banned without notice.
4.1 Material Unless expressly authorised by the regulations, the use of titanium, ceramics, magnesium, composite material or reinforced fibre is prohibited, unless it corresponds exactly to the original material.
The use of fire-resistant composite material, based on fibreglass, is authorised.
One layer of carbon or aramid is authorised on the visible face of the part.
Damaged threads can be repaired by screwing on a new thread with the same interior diameter (“helicoil” type).
The minimum weight of the car, including the driver and his full equipment, is:
- 1140 kg for a front-wheel drive car
- 1170 kg for a rear-wheel drive car.
These minimum weights must be respected at all times during the event, in particular when the car crosses the finish line.
It is permitted to complete the weight of the car by one or several units of ballast, provided that they are strong and unitary blocks, fixed by means of tools with the possibility of affixing seals, and placed on the floor of the cockpit or the luggage compartment, visible and sealed by the Scrutineers.
The ballast must be attached to the shell/chassis via 8.8 class bolts, with a minimum diameter of 8 mm, and counterplates, according to drawing 253-52.
The minimum area of contact between shell/chassis and counterplate is 40 cm2 for each fixing point.
The safety prescriptions for Group N cars, as specified in Article 253 of Appendix J, are applicable.
6.1 Additional fasteners
Two additional safety fasteners must be fitted for each of the bonnet and boot lids.
The original locking mechanisms must be rendered inoperative or removed.
6.2 Driver’s seat
The original driver’s seat must be replaced by an FIAhomologated competition bucket seat (8855/1992 or 8855/1999 standards) with five (5) passages for the safety harness straps.
The use of carbon fibre or aramid is authorised.
The seat must be mounted by means of at least four (4) M8 bolts of at least 10.9 quality.
Seat attachments complying with the technical specifications for Super Touring Cars (Article 262 of Appendix J) are authorised and recommended without modifications to the homologated shell.
The original seat mountings may be removed.
The use of the competition seat mountings homologated with the bucket seat is recommended.
The driver’s seat may be moved back, but not beyond the vertical line defined by the front edge of the original back seat.
The limit is constituted by the rearmost point of the driver’s shoulders.
6.3 Safety harness
A safety harness equipped with a turn buckle release system and having a minimum of five (5) anchorage points, homologated by the FIA in accordance with Article 253.6 of Appendix J, is compulsory.
6.4 Rollover structures
A rollcage, homologated in the Super 2000 kit variant form, is compulsory.
Nevertheless, Super Production rollbars are accepted on vehicles built before 1 June 2001.
All rollcage tubes situated within a perimeter of 50 cm around the driver’s head, this measurement being taken with the driver sitting in the driver’s seat with his harness fastened, must be equipped with a non-flammable protective sleeve.
6.5 Extinguishers – extinguishing systems
Automatic extinguishers, homologated in accordance with Article 253.7 of Appendix J, are compulsory.
6.6 Protective nets
a) Net:
A protective net is compulsory.
It must meet the following specifications:
- the net must be made up of woven strips at least 19 mm (3/4") wide;
- the meshes must be a minimum of 25 x 25 mm and a maximum of 60 x 60 mm. The woven strips must be nonflammable and sewn together at each point of crossing.
The net must not be of a temporary nature.
b) Fixation:
The net must be attached either to the rollcage or to a fixed part of the bodywork, above the driver’s window, by means of a rapid release system that will function even if the car turns over.
It must be possible to detach the net with one hand.
To this end, the handle or lever must have coloured markings ("dayglo" orange).
A push-button release system is authorised provided that it respects the prescriptions of this article.
The push-buttons must be visible from the outside, be of a contrasting colour and be marked "press".
For the attachment of the net or of its rollcage support, only screw-in connections are authorised. No modifications to the rollcage are authorised.
6.7 Door protection
The removal of door soundproofing material is allowed, on condition that the aspect is unchanged.
The removal of door trim and the side protection bar for the purpose of installing a side protection panel of composite material is allowed. This panel must be homologated.
The minimum shape of this panel must conform to drawing 255-14.
The minimum height of this panel must extend from the bottom of the door to the maximum height of the door crossbar.
The replacement of an electric window lift by a manual winder is allowed.
The window on the driver’s side must open to at least 10 cm; the other windows may be fixed. On the driver’s side, the inside of the front doors must be filled with energy-absorbing material.
7.1 Cylinder capacity
The cylinder capacity must not exceed 2000 cm3.
With respect to the bore (Art. 314 of the Super 2000 Homologation form), a production tolerance of 0.05 mm at the level of the fire zone and a wear tolerance of 0.1 mm below the fire zone are authorised, provided that the total cylinder capacity does not exceed 2000 cm3.
7.2 Ignition
The make and type of the spark plugs, rev limiter and hightension leads are free. The electronic control unit must be homologated.
7.3 Cooling system
The thermostat is free, as is the control system and the temperature at which the fan cuts in.
The radiator cap and its locking system are free.
Provided that they are fitted in the original location without any modification to the bodywork, the radiator and its attachments are free, as are the screens and the air cooling lines upstream of the radiator.
The original expansion chambers may be replaced by others, provided that the capacity of the new chambers does not exceed 2 litres and that they are placed in the engine compartment.
The liquid cooling lines external to the engine block and their accessories are free.
Lines of a different material and/or diameter may be used.
The internal diameter of these lines may be greater, but under no circumstances smaller, than that of the original.
The radiator fans are free.
Any water spraying system is prohibited.
7.3.1) Heating system:
The original heating apparatus may be removed, but an electric or similar demisting system must be fitted on the car.
7.4 Fuel and air feed
The original or homologated injection system must be retained.
Variable intake systems are prohibited. If the vehicle is originally equipped with such a system, it must be removed or rendered inoperative.
A new intake manifold may be homologated in kit variant.
The accelerator cable may be doubled or replaced by another.
Only a direct mechanical linkage between the throttle pedal and the throttle valve control is permitted.
If an electric throttle is homologated on the basic car, it must be rendered inoperative; a new pedal may be installed.
The flow rate of the injectors is free, but their number, operating principle and position must be original or homologated.
The sensors and actuators of the electronic control unit are free, but not their number.
The design and production of the sound wheel for the sensors are free, as is the modification of any existing wheel.
At least one lambda probe and its control unit are compulsory.
None of these authorised modifications may have an effect on the quantity of air reaching the engine.
With regard to the engine rev (rpm) signals and their transfer, only the rotational engine speed signals may be transmitted and connected to the engine control unit.
Any electronic driving aid system (as well as its sensors) is prohibited (ABS/ASR/EPS…).
No matter where they are placed, optical sensors for measuring the speed of the vehicle are prohibited.
Direct injection is authorised only if used on the homologated original model.
The ECU must be selected from the list supplied by the FIA.
The software must be approved by the FIA, and may not be changed without notice.
A single data logging system will be homologated for all the kits.
This system will check at least:
- the engine speed (8500 rpm maximum)
- the position of the throttle valve
- the speed of the vehicle
- the gearbox ratio engaged.
7.5 Air filter
The air lines upstream and downstream of the air filter box are free.
The air filter box is free under the following conditions:
- there must be a filtering cartridge in the box. This cartridge is free as long as it filters the dust particles;
- all the air admitted to the engine must pass through this air filter;
- the use of fibreglass-based composite material is authorised, provided that it is fire-resistant.
The position in which the air filter box is installed in the engine compartment is free.
7.6 Lubrication
The oil radiators and their connections are free, provided that they do not give rise to any modifications to the bodywork and are situated within the perimeter of the bodywork.
The fitting of baffles in the oil sump is authorised.
The oil sump may be reinforced externally through the addition of material, provided that this material is of the same type, follows the shape of the original and is in contact with it.
An oil deflector may be fitted between the plane of the oil sump gasket and the engine block, provided that the distance separating the planes of their joints is not increased by more than 6 mm.
The fitting of an oil filter, or a cartridge, in working order is mandatory, and the entire oil flow must pass through this filter or cartridge.
The filter or cartridge is free, provided that it is interchangeable with the original filter or cartridge.
An air/oil separator may be mounted outside the engine(minimum capacity 1 litre) in accordance with drawing n° 255-3.
The oil must flow from the oil catch tank towards the engine by the force of gravity alone.
If the lubrication system includes an open type sump breather, this must vent into a catch tank with a minimum capacity of 2 litres. This container shall either be made of translucent plastic or include a transparent panel.
If not, the vapours must be re-aspirated by the engine via the intake system.
In order to allow the fitting of lubrication temperature sensors (gearbox, differential casing, etc.), holes or threaded orifices of a max. diameter of 14 mm may be made in the respective casings.
The oil lines in the engine block and the cylinder head may be completely or partly blocked off through the addition of removable elements without welding or gluing. 7.6.1) Oil pump:
The gearing and the internal parts of the pump are free.
The flow rate may be increased relative to the original part.
The housing and the position of the pump must be original, but the inside of the housing may be machined.
7.6.2) Pressure accumulator:
A pressure accumulator homologated in Super 2000 is authorised.
7.7 Engine parts
7.7.1) Cylinder head:
The material and thickness of the cylinder head gasket are free.
The minimum height of the cylinder head may be reduced byplaning by 2 mm maximum (point 321c of the homologation form). The cylinder head may be adjusted, balanced, reduced or changed in shape by planing, on condition that it is always possible to positively establish the origin of the series part.
The intake and outlet ports in the cylinder head, as well as the ports in the intake manifold, may be machined in conformity with Art. 255.5 of Appendix J, as long as the dimensions on the homologation form are respected.
The valve seats are free, as are the valve guides, but the respective angles of the valve axes must be retained.
7.7.2) Compression ratio:
The compression ratio may be modified but must not exceed 11/1. If the car is homologated with a higher ratio, it must be amended so as not to exceed 11/1.
7.7.3) Piston:
The piston must be original or homologated in Kit Variant.
The upper part and the interior of the piston may be machined for the purpose of adjusting the compression ratio.
7.7.4) Timing:
The pulleys for driving the camshaft are free provided that the original timing belts and/or chains are used.
The camshaft(s) is/are free, but the number of camshafts must remain unchanged.
Valves may be homologated or original.
The valve springs and their retainers are free but the springs must be made of steel and the retainers made of an identical material to the original.
The number and diameter of the bearings must remain unchanged.
Variable camshaft systems (variation in the timing of the camshafts) are prohibited. If the vehicle is homologated with such a system, it must be rendered inoperative through dismantling or blocking.
The valve lift, as defined in article 326e of the homologation
form, may be modified, but must not exceed:
- 11 mm for 4 cylinders
- 10.5 mm for 5 cylinders
- 10 mm for 6 cylinders(this is a maximum with no tolerance).
If the car is homologated with greater lift, the camshaft must be modified so that the lift does not exceed the above dimensions.
Tappets are free but their height and diameter must be retained.
If the original timing includes an automatic play recovery system, this may be neutralised mechanically.
7.7.5) Balancing shafts:
If the original engine includes balancing shafts, these and their drive systems may be removed.
7.7.6) Water pump:
The water pump drive pulley is free, but the original pump must be retained.
7.7.7) Belts and chains:
If the original engine is fitted with automatic belt (or chain) tensioners, it is permitted to lock them in a given position by means of a mechanical device.
7.8 Flywheel
The minimum weight of the flywheel is 4000 g (with the fixing screws).
The flywheel must be homologated in kit variant or comply with article 261.7.8.
7.9 Crankshaft
The crankshaft may be original or homologated in Kit Variant.
The diameters of the bearings and crankpins may be reduced by a maximum of 0.5 mm.
7.10 Connecting rods
The connecting rods may be original or homologated in Kit
7.11 Exhaust system
The exhaust system is free downstream of the cylinder head provided that the prescribed sound levels of 110 dB(A) at 6000 rpm measured in conformity with the FIA noise-measuring method are not exceeded.
Variable exhaust systems are prohibited. If the vehicle is originally equipped with such a system, it must be rendered inoperative.
The exhaust manifold is part of the exhaust system.
The lambda probe(s) must be placed a maximum of 20 cm after the junction plane in an exhaust manifold tube, or must be retained in its/their original position(s) if the original exhaust system is used.
All vehicles must be equipped with a homologated catalytic converter, the position of which is free.
The exhaust gases must, at all times, pass through the catalytic converter.
The position of the catalytic converter must be indicated by coloured markings on the lower sill mouldings of the car.
The exit of the exhaust pipe must be situated at the rear of the car, within the perimeter of the car, and be less than 10 cm from this perimeter (figure n° 1).
The section of the exhaust silencers or of the catalyst itself must always be round or oval.
8.1 Gearbox
Only the original gearboxes homologated on the vehicle at 2500 units, comprising a maximum of five (5) engageable forward gears and one (1) engageable reverse gear, and in working order, are authorised.
If the series gearbox has more than five (5) forward gears, the gear wheels as from the sixth (6th) ratio must be rendered inoperative by the removal of the teeth of the gear wheels concerned.
The inside of the original housing is free but only steel parts may be used, except for the bearings which may be made from bronze or from copper-based alloy. Oil radiators for the gearbox and the differential, as well as a system for circulating the oil without generating pressure, are authorised.
The pressure will be measured at the entry to the gearbox or differential circuits.
The original gearbox and differential housings may be equipped with two (2) oil circuit connections.
The sole purpose of these orifices must be to connect the outflow and inflow lines of the oil circuit.
The gearshift control and the position of the lever must be homologated in Super 2000; sequential gearboxes are prohibited.
Modifications to the bodywork for the passage of the new gearshift control are authorised only if they are not at variance with other points of these regulations.
Gear changes must be made mechanically. The gearbox selection grid must be the one homologated on the basic vehicle.
The transmission supports may be replaced by other parts, regardless of the material, provided that the position of the transmission parts remains unchanged.
Whatever their positions, optical sensors for measuring the speed of the vehicle are prohibited. 8.1.1) Ratios:
The original ratios must be kept as far as the 2nd decimal point, rounded up or down following the arithmetic rule (1.044=1.04, 1.045=1.05) in relation to the 3rd decimal point, with a tolerance of + or - 3%. e.g. 1.044=1.04+/-3% and 1.045=1.05+/-3% In addition to the previous paragraph, the manufacturer may homologate, once only per homologation form number, a series of five additional forward gears and one reverse gear (ratio and number of teeth), with or without synchronisation.
Only one erratum will be accepted, on one ratio only, within the 12 months following the homologation date of the form or of the option variant.
The transmission system must always include a reverse gear, which can be engaged by the driver sitting in his seat with his safety harness fastened.
8.2 Clutch
The clutch disc is free, with the exception of the number. Carbon discs are prohibited.
The pressure assembly is free, provided that the following points are not modified:
- original type;
- operating principle;
- original spring type;
The external diameter of the pressure plate may be smaller than the original one but not greater.
The number of the fixation bolts and their position on the flywheel are free.
The control system of the clutch is free but it must remain of the same type as the original.
An automatic tightening device on the clutch control may be replaced with a mechanical device and vice versa.
The clutch stop is free.
8.3 Differential
Only the homologated final drive ratios are authorised.
The manufacturer may submit an application to the FIA to obtain, besides the series final assembly, the homologation of a maximum of four (4) additional final drive ratios, to be revised annually.
Apart from this condition, the design (material and type of teeth) of the gears is free.
A mechanical limited slip differential, in the original differential housing, is free.
“Mechanical limited slip differential" means any system which works purely mechanically, i.e. without the help of a hydraulic or electric system. A viscous clutch is not considered to be a mechanical system.
An original anti-wheel spin control system must be rendered inoperative by the removal of its control unit.
8.4 Drive shafts
The drive shafts between the differential and the wheel are free provided that the technological principle of the original homocinetic joints on the wheel side is retained.
8.5 Traction control
All forms of traction control are prohibited.
All sensors on the wheels, drive shafts and differential are prohibited.
In order to measure the speed of the car, a single sensor on one driven wheel may be used.
This sensor must be connected only to the speedometer and must have no connection whatsoever with the engine control system.
9.1 Front running gear
The joints may be of a different material from the original ones (e.g. harder silent blocks, aluminium, Uniball joints, etc.).
The position of the rotational axis of the pivot points may be moved by a maximum of 20 mm in relation to the original position of the rotational axis.
The original suspension part may not undergo any modifications, with the exception of the making of circular
grooves for the fitting of stops and the fitting of spin locking devices (grub screws, pins, bolts or similar) for the eccentric bushes.
This means that, after removing the new joint of the suspension part, an original suspension joint can be fitted and that the original operation of the suspension part can be restored.
In the case of an original crimped joint in a suspension part, it must be possible, after removing the new joint, to fit the original joint in its housing.
However, it is not necessary for the initial operation of the suspension part to be restored.
The suspension ball-and-socket joints situated on the arms at the lower triangle on the wheel side may be freely replaced, provided that the fixation points on the arms are not modified.
The position of the new rotational point may be moved by a maximum of 20 mm, following all the axes in relation to the initial rotational point.
This may be achieved by modifying the extremity of the arm or lower triangle on the wheel side, through adding a removable system.
The welding of such a system onto the arm or lower triangle is forbidden.
The steering rods, steering joints and their connecting parts are free but must be made from ferrous material.
The upper joints of McPherson suspension parts of the front running gear are free provided that the original mounting points, on the bodyshell side, are retained and that the adjustment of the mounting point of the suspension part involves a maximum displacement of 20 mm following all the axes.
This means that the upper joints, adjustable or non-adjustable, may assume an eccentric position of a maximum of 20 mm in relation to the original articulation point.
Modifications to the bodyshell are not authorised, but three (3) holes of a maximum diameter of 10.5 mm may be bored in the upper bell housing of the shock absorber for the mounting of the upper joint support if, in the original bell housing, there are no, or not as many, fixation holes.
If an original McPherson part is bolted on to the wheel uprights, the wheel camber of the front running gear may be adjusted by this bolted connection.
Holes for the mounting of suspension parts may be made at the anchorage points of the bodyshell, the cradle or the front cross member, if these are original parts.
In relation to the original articulation points, these holes must be situated at a maximum distance of 10 mm at right angles to and parallel to the transversal axis of the vehicle.
9.2 Rear running gear
The joints may be of a different material from the original ones (e.g. harder silent blocks, aluminium, Uniball joints, etc.).
New mounting and rotational points must be situated at a maximum of 20 mm from the original mounting and rotational points.
The original suspension part may not undergo any modifications, with the exception of the making of circular grooves for the fitting of stops and the fitting of spin locking devices (grub screws, pins, bolts or similar) for the eccentric bushes.
9.2.1) Multi-Link rear suspension:
Holes for the mounting of suspension parts may be made at the anchorage points of the bodyshell, the cradle or the rear cross member, if these are original parts.
In relation to the original articulation points, these holes must be situated at a maximum distance of 10 mm at right angles to and parallel to the transversal axis of the vehicle.
9.2.2) Single-Link rear suspension:
The original suspension parts may be modified in order to allow the adjustment of the camber and the toe.
The addition of material must be done by using a material which follows the shape of the original part and is in contact with it.
The combination and the standard fitting of the spring and of the shock absorber, as well as the original distance between the rotational axis of the running gear and the central axis of the wheel upright, may not be modified.
9.2.3) Rear running gear – General:
Any other modifications to the bodyshell, apart from the authorised modifications to the rear running gear, are prohibited.
9.3 Other Provisions
9.3.1) Geometry:
The geometry of the running gear is free within the limits of the original adjustment possibilities set out in these regulations.
9.3.2) Stabilisers:
The original stabilisers may be replaced by stabilisers of free design, but they must remain in their original position (ahead of the front wheel centre line, behind the rear wheel centre line).
The stabilisers must be made from ferrous material and must not be adjustable from the cockpit.
The new mountings of the stabilisers must not have any other function.
9.3.3) Track:
The tracks are free. Track extenders may be used if they are
immovably attached to the wheel hubs.
9.3.4) Reinforcements:
Strengthening of the suspension parts and the suspension mounting points through the addition of material is allowed, provided that the material used follows the shape of the original part and is in contact with it.
9.3.5) Wheel bearing:
The wheel bearings may be replaced by strengthened bearings of the same type and inside diameter as the original ones.
In order to enable the fitting of larger bearings, the bore of the bearing cages may be increased by a maximum of 3 mm.
In all other respects they are free, provided that they comply with Article 9.1.
9.3.6) Silent block – Articulation:
The silent blocks for the mounting of the cradles and/or the cross members may be of a different material from the original (e.g. harder silent blocks, aluminium, nylon rings) as long as the position of the cradle and/or cross members in relation to the bodyshell remains identical to that of the original following the three (3) axes of reference.
The cradles and/or cross members, the bodyshell and the original mounting points may in no way be modified by this action.
The engine supports may be replaced with others, regardless of the material, provided that the position of the engine and of the block remains unchanged.
Likewise, the positions of the supports on the bodyshell or the cradle must remain unchanged.
A tolerance of + or – 5 mm will be applied for the measurement of these positions.
The transmission supports may be replaced with other parts, regardless of the material, provided that the position of the transmission parts remains unchanged.
The original suspension part may not undergo any modifications, with the exception of the making of circular
grooves for the fitting of stops.
This means that once the free mounting parts have been removed, the original mounting parts (for example the original silent blocks) may be refitted and that the cradles and/or cross members may then be remounted on the chassis or the bodyshell in their original locations and resume their original position.
9.3.7) Suspension travel limiter:
A strap or cable for limiting the suspension travel may be affixed to each suspension.
To this end, holes of a maximum diameter of 8.5 mm may be bored on the bodyshell side and on the suspension side.
9.4 Springs
9.4.1) Coil springs:
Coil springs are free, provided that they fulfil the following conditions:
- their number is free, provided that they are mounted in line with one another and that their type corresponds to the original type of spring.
- the shape, dimensions and material of the spring seats are free.
- the spring seats may be made adjustable if the adjustable part forms part of the seats and is distinct from the other original parts of the suspension and the chassis (it may be removed).
Modifications to the bodyshell are not authorised, but three (3) holes of a maximum diameter of 10.5 mm may be bored in the upper bell housing of the shock absorber for the mounting of the upper joint support, if there are no, or fewer than three (3), fixation holes (see article 9.1 for the upper joint of a McPherson suspension).
Whatever the position of the original springs, it is allowed to replace them with concentric coil springs on shock absorbers.
9.4.2) Leaf springs:
The length, width, thickness and vertical curve are free.
9.4.3) Torsion bars:
Torsion bars may be replaced but the replacements must be made from solid steel. Their diameter must exceed 80% of the homologated diameter.
For vehicles with torsion bars, coil springs may be added on the axle concerned, provided that they are concentric to the shock absorbers.
9.4.4) Miscellaneous:
Parts for preventing the springs from moving in relation to their mounting points are authorised.
9.5 Shock absorbers
Free, provided that their number, their type (telescopic, arm, etc.), their working principle (hydraulic, friction, mixed, etc.) and their attachment points remain unchanged.
Gas-filled dampers will be considered as hydraulic dampers.
The damper tanks may be attached on to the unmodified shell of the car, provided that this does not result in modifications which are not authorised by these regulations.
If, in order to change the damping element of a McPherson suspension, or a suspension operating in an identical manner, it is necessary to replace the entire McPherson strut, the replacement parts must be mechanically equivalent to the original ones and have the same mounting points.
In the case of a McPherson suspension, the shape, dimensions and material of the spring seats are free and they may be adjustable.
In the case of an oil-pneumatic suspension, the spheres may be changed as regards their dimension, shape and material, but not their number.
A tap, adjustable from the outside of the car, may be fitted on the spheres.
Whatever the type of the shock absorbers, the use of bearings with linear guidance is prohibited.
9.6 Reinforcement
Reinforcement bars may be fitted on the suspension mounting points to the bodyshell or chassis of the same axle, on each side of the car’s longitudinal axis, provided that they are removable and that they are bolted to the bodyshell or chassis.
The distance between a suspension attachment point and an anchorage point of the bar cannot be more than 100 mm, unless the bar is a transversal strut homologated with the rollbar, or unless it is an upper bar attached to a McPherson suspension or similar. In the latter case, the maximum distance between an anchorage point of the bar and the upper articulation point will be 150 mm (drawings 255.4 and 255.2).
For the fixation of a transversal strut between two upper points of the bodyshell, a maximum of three (3) holes on each side, of a maximum diameter of 10.5 mm, will be authorised.
The mounting rings of the upper transversal struts may be welded to the bodyshell.
Apart from these points, the upper bar must not be mounted on the bodyshell or the mechanical parts.
9.7 Steering
The steering rods and ball joints are free, but must be made of ferrous material.
A minimum steering angle of 20° on the inside wheel is
The steering column may be original or homologated in Kit Variant.
The driving pulley and the position (in the engine compartment) of a hydraulic power-steering pump is free.
A hydraulic power-steering pump may be replaced with an electric power-steering pump, provided that this electric pump is fitted on any series vehicle and is commonly on sale.
10.1 Complete wheel
The maximum dimensions of the 4 rims + flanges are 9" x 17" and their weight must not be less than 9 kg each.
The complete wheel inflated to a pressure of 2 bars must fit into a box with a diameter of 610 mm and a thickness of 250 mm.
The maximum dimensions of the 4 rims + flanges are 7" x 15" and their weight must not be less than 5 kg each.
The complete wheel inflated to a pressure of 2 bars must fit into a box with a diameter of 580 mm and a thickness of 223 mm.
In any case, the dimensions of all 4 wheels must be identical.
In all other respects the wheels are free provided that they are made of cast aluminium and in a single unit.
Metal inserts are allowed for the passage of the drive to the wheel.
The fitting of air extractors on the wheels is prohibited.
The upper part of the complete wheel (flange + rim + tyre), located vertically over the wheel hub centre, must be covered by the bodywork when measured vertically.
Foam or any other system enabling the car to be driven without pressure in the tyres is prohibited.
All pressure regulation systems are prohibited.
10.2 Spare wheel
It is forbidden to carry a spare wheel on board.
No part of the car or its suspended parts must be less than 80 mm from the ground.
This test shall be carried out on a flat surface.
This measurement may be taken at any time during the event.
No system for changing ground clearance when the car is in motion is allowed.
11.1 Front bumper
The lower portion of this part must be formed from a maximum of two planes (one horizontal, for which a tolerance of +/- 1° will be applied, and one inclined) and must form a maximum angle of 8° to the horizontal at all times when the car is not in motion.
The front brakes are free, provided that they are mounted on the fixation points of the original brakes and that they comply with the following prescriptions:
- if it is different from the original, the complete front and rear braking system, including the master cylinder, must be homologated, without a production minimum, by the FIA;
- the maximum number of pistons per wheel is four (4);
- the maximum diameter of the brake disc is 296.5 mm;
- the brake discs must be made from ferrous metallic material.
- the rear brake callipers may be replaced but must not have more than two pistons per wheel;
- all parts of the brake callipers must be made from aluminium materials with a modulus of elasticity no greater than 75 Gpa;
- the internal parts of the brake callipers may be made from titanium.
The following prescriptions apply to the complete braking
- the brake lines and their fitting method are free;
- the original handbrake may be removed or replaced by a manual hydraulic valve operated by the driver;
- if, in its original version, a car is equipped with servo brakes, this device may be disconnected or removed, but the master cylinder and/or the pedal box must remain in their original compartment.
Modifications to the bodyshell are authorised provided they have no other function than to allow the fixing of the master cylinder and/or the pedal box.
They must be homologated in Option Variant without a minimum production.
The balance of the braking forces between the front and rear axles may only be adjusted by the driver through:
- direct intervention on the position of the centre of the joint, on the linkage lever of the hydraulic pumps of the front and rear circuits;
- direct intervention on a proportional valve, in which the intake pressure of the rear circuit is adjusted through a pre-loaded spring, variable according to the position of the manual linkage system (see the drawing of the principle 262-9).
Only one of these two systems is permitted.
All other systems are prohibited, including inertial mechanical systems.
If, in its original version, a car is equipped with an anti-lock braking system, the control unit must be removed.
Moreover, all the parts of the anti-lock system must be removed, provided that the prescriptions of Article 253.4 of Appendix J are respected.
The location of the brake lines is free provided that the prescriptions of Article 253.3 of Appendix J are respected.
The brake lines may be replaced by aircraft-quality lines. The connection of the dual braking circuit is free.
For each brake, one cooling line with a maximum internal diameter of 10 cm is allowed, or two cooling lines with a maximum diameter of 7 cm. This diameter must be maintained over at least 2/3 of the distance between its entrance and exit.
Only the following mounting points are authorised for the fixation of the lines to bring the cooling air to the brakes:
- original apertures in the bodywork, e.g. for fog lamps, may be used to bring the cooling air to the brakes;
- the connection of the air lines to the original apertures in the bodywork is free provided that these apertures remain unchanged;
- if the car does not have any original apertures, two (2) circular apertures of a maximum diameter of 10 cm, or an
equivalent elliptical section, may be made in the front bumper;
- the disc protection plates may be removed or their shape modified.
13.1 Exterior
Only the aerodynamic elements homologated on the vehicle homologated in kit variant are allowed.
The bumper homologated on the basic vehicle may be used under the following conditions:
Wheel embellishers must be removed.
It is permitted to fold back the steel edges or reduce the plastic edges of the wings if they protrude inside the wheel housing.
The plastic soundproofing parts may be removed from the interior of the wheel arches.
These elements made from synthetic materials may be changed for aluminium elements of the same shape.
The soundproofing material or the material for the prevention of corrosion may be removed.
The removal of external decorative strips, following the contour of the car and less than 25 mm high, is authorised. Decorative strips more than 25 mm high may only be removed near the areas reserved for the competition numbers.
The bumper mountings are free as long as the bodywork and the shape and position of the bumpers remain unchanged.
The original apertures in the bodywork may be used for the passage of cooling air.
Original apertures are defined as existing apertures in the homologated bodywork which are open or partially or completely covered by removable parts (e.g. fog lamps, blanking panels, louvres, grills, etc.).
To allow the passage of cooling air, the removable parts may be removed or opened, provided that the general appearance of the original part is not modified.
The connection of the air ducts to the original apertures in the bodywork is free as long as these apertures remain unchanged. The fitting of underbody protection is prohibited. Pneumatic jacks are authorised.
The windscreen wiper blades may be replaced by others.
The cars must have two external rear-view mirrors, one on the left hand side and one on the right hand side.
Their external shape must be that of the homologated model, but the material may be modified.
Strengthening of the suspended parts of the chassis and bodywork is allowed, provided that the material used follows the original shape and is in continuous contact with it.
The above strengthening of the suspended parts authorises, for example, the reinforcement of the bodywork by welding or by the addition of material.
A second suspension bell housing may, for example, be placed above and soldered to the original, provided that it follows the original shape and is in contact with it.
The term 'suspended parts' means all the parts dampened by the wheel suspension, in other words all parts situated within the rotational points and axes of the suspension parts.
Unused supports for accessories or trims (e.g. spare wheel, heat shield…) situated on the chassis / bodywork can be removed.
These modifications must be homologated in a Super
Production VO or defined on the kit.
The side windows (front and rear) on the driver’s side must be covered with plastic safety film in order to avoid the shattering and spraying of glass in the event of an accident.
The other side windows and the rear window, as well as the rear-view mirrors, may be covered with safety film in order to avoid the shattering and spraying of glass in the event of an accident.
13.2 Cockpit
The passenger seat and the rear seat(s) must be removed.
The removal of any insulating or soundproofing material, as well as of the original safety belts and carpeting, is authorised.
Additional accessories which have no effect on the car’s behaviour, such as those which render the interior of the car more aesthetic or comfortable (lighting, heating, radio, etc.), are authorised provided that they do not influence, even in a secondary manner, the performance of the engine, steering, transmission, brakes or road-holding.
Neither the front and rear door panels nor the rear side panels may be removed.
These may be the original ones or be made from metal
sheeting at least 0.5 mm thick, from carbon fibre at least 1 mm thick or from another solid and non-combustible material at least 2 mm thick.
The panels must totally cover the door, its handles, locks and window winding mechanisms.
The original air-conditioning system may be removed.
Left-hand drive versions and right-hand drive versions are authorised, provided that the original car and the modified car are mechanically equivalent and that the function of the parts remains identical to that defined by the manufacturer.
All the driving control parts must be those supplied by the manufacturer. These may be adapted in order to facilitate their use or accessibility; for example, the fitting of an extension to the handbrake lever or the widening of the brake pedal.
The following parts are authorised:
- the horn is free;
- the steering wheel is free, but it must be closed. The locking system of the anti-theft device must be rendered inoperative; a removable steering wheel is recommended;
- window opening mechanisms are free.
13.3 Dashboard
The trimmings situated below the dashboard and which are not a part of it may be removed.
It is permitted to remove the part of the centre console which contains neither the heating nor the instruments (see drawing 255.7).
The instruments are free. However, the installation should not present any risk.
Standard switches may be replaced by switches of different design and may be fitted at different locations on the dashboard or on the centre console. Any openings that result from this must be covered.
13.4 Luggage and engine compartments
The soundproofing materials and trim in the luggage compartment may be removed.
The soundproofing materials of the engine cover and the decorative materials surrounding the engine may be removed.
Unused battery and spare wheel supports may be removed.
The lower fairing of the engine compartment may be removed or modified only by cutting.
14.1 Cables
The electric cable assembly of the engine is free.
The other electric cable assemblies are free provided that they respect the following conditions.
14.2 Battery
The make and capacity of the battery(ies) are free.
It must be possible at all times to start the engine with the energy of the battery transported on board the vehicle.
Each battery must be securely affixed and covered in such as way as to avoid any short-circuiting or leaks.
The number of batteries laid down by the manufacturer must be retained.
Should the battery be moved from its original position, it must be attached to the body using a metal seat and two metal clamps with an insulating covering, fixed to the floor by bolts and nuts.
For attaching these clamps, bolts with a diameter of at least 10 mm must be used, and under each bolt, a counterplate at least 3 mm thick and with a surface of at least 20 cm² beneath the metal of the bodywork.
The battery must be covered by a leak-proof plastic box, attached independently of the battery. Its location is free; however, if in the cockpit it will only be possible behind the front seats. In this case, the protection box must include an air intake with its exit outside the cockpit (see drawings 255.10 and
If the battery situated in the cockpit is a dry battery, it must be protected electrically by a lid which covers it completely.
Any energy-recuperating system other than that provided by the engine is prohibited.
14.3 Voltage generator
The alternator drive pulley is free.
The belt is free.
A voltage generator may be replaced with another, provided that this is fitted on any series vehicle and is commonly on sale.
It may be moved within a sphere of 100 mm as compared with the original.
14.4 Lighting
The original lighting system must be retained, with the exception of the fog lamps, and must be operational at all times during a meeting.
The headlights must have a road homologation for all countries (ECE, DOT, etc.).
Glass headlights must be protected by plastic anti-shatter film.
The upper and lower edges of the headlights may be covered by adhesive tape.
However, a strip of at least 4 cm following a plane parallel to the transversal axis of the car and symmetrical in relation to the centre of the bulb must remain free over the entire width of the headlight.
The fog lamps may be removed.
The apertures may be used in accordance with Articles 11 and
12. If this is not the case, they must be hermetically sealed.
14.5 Fuses
Fuses may be added to the electrical circuit.
The fuse box may be moved or removed.
15.1 Petrol tank
FT3 or FT3 1999 petrol tanks meeting the FIA specifications are compulsory.
It is recommended that the FT3 or FT3 1999 tank be filled with
MIL-B-83054 type safety foam.
They must be placed in the luggage compartment or in their original location.
Changes of the position of the tanks may not give rise to any lightening or reinforcement other than as provided for under
Article 255-5.7.1 of the FIA prescriptions, but the opening remaining after the removal of the original tank may be closed by the installation of a panel.
For endurance races (with refuelling), the filler hole must be situated outside the cockpit.
For sprint races (without refuelling), the filling of the tank must be carried out in conformity with Article 253 of Appendix J.
The location of the filler holes is free, apart from in the window panels, and they must not protrude beyond the perimeter of the bodywork.
If the filler hole is not used, it must be sealed.
An original carbon filter in the tank air vent, as well as its control unit, may be removed.
An auxiliary tank of a maximum capacity of one litre is authorised. It must be situated in the same place as the main tank.
The total capacity of all the tanks may not exceed 100 litres.
The connections between the filler holes and the tank ventilation holes must be shielded by a fireproof and liquid-proof protective device.
If the petrol tank is located in the luggage compartment of a car with a tailgate, the tank must be shielded by a fireproof and liquid-proof protective device.
This new assembly must not generate an aerodynamic surface or protrude further below the vehicle than the original tank.
If the petrol tank or a pump is located in the luggage compartment, there must be a fireproof and liquid-proof
bulkhead between the cockpit and the luggage compartment.
In the case of a fuel tank being fitted below the floor of the car, it must be contained in a close-fitting flameproof housing that adds no aerodynamic advantage and has no other mechanical function.
This housing must include a crushable structure on all external surfaces, and be secured by using a minimum of two metal clamps 30 mm x 3 mm fixed to the floor pan by bolts and nuts.
For attaching these clamps, bolts with a diameter of at least 10 mm must be used, and under each bolt a counter plate at least 3 mm thick and with a surface of at least 20 cm2 above the metal of the floor pan.
The crushable structure must be a honeycomb sandwich
construction based on a fire-resistant core of a minimum crushing strength of 18N/cm2 (25lb/in2).
The use of aramid fibre is allowed.
The sandwich construction must include two skins of 1.5 mm thickness having a tensile strength of minimum 225N/mm2 (14 tons/in2).
The minimum thickness of the sandwich construction must be 1 cm.
The opening remaining after the removal of the original tank
may be closed by the installation of a panel of identical
15.2 Petrol lines
The petrol lines must be of aviation quality.
The installation of petrol lines is free provided that the prescriptions of Article 253.3 of Appendix J are respected.
15.3 Petrol pumps
Free; three other petrol pumps in addition to the number homologated are authorised.
The pumps must be separated from the cockpit by a fireproof and liquid-proof protective device.
The transporting and/or use of natural or chemical ice, whether inside or outside the car, is prohibited throughout the entire duration of the meeting.
All forms of data transmission from the moving car are forbidden, apart from two-way radio communication.
Impulse generators giving information on timing are authorised, provided that they are separate parts which have no connection with the control of the engine.
An on-board data recording system, without an accelerometer, is authorised.
The French version of these regulations shall be considered as the authentic text in the event of a dispute. |
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