Technical Regulations |
31/05/2002 |
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 These Technical Regulations published by TOCA Limited for the BTC Production category of the 2002 British Touring Car Championship.
TOCA has the right to amend or vary the Technical Regulations at any time before or during the Championship and further to issue additional statements concerning the Technical Regulations from time to time, subject to MSA approval and all such statements will be issued in a Bulletin to MSA and all registered competitors by posting to the address detailed on the Championship Registration Form or sending to the e-mail address detailed on the Championship Registration Form or faxing to the fax number detailed on the Championship Registration Form, or delivery to the competitor by hand. All competitors, teams, team members and persons associated with any of the above agree to be bound by the Technical Regulations including any amendments, variations or statements relating thereto. Only Technical Bulletins, clarifications or directives issued by the Co-Ordinator under the instruction of the Administrator will be effective in the Championship.
5.1.2 It must be clearly understood that if these Technical Regulations do not clearly specify that you can do it, you must work on the assumption that you can not.
5.1.3. In these Technical Regulations the nomenclature definitions and abbreviations specified in the Sporting Regulations shall be adopted unless specifically provided for in these Technical Regulations.
5.2 General Descriptions and Requirements
5.2.1 The BTC Production Championship is a category of the British Touring Car Championship for competitors participating in two-wheel drive cars with normally aspirated engines with a maximum capacity of 2000 c.c. and which comply with these BTC Production Technical Regulations.
5.2.2 Eligible Cars are those cars of which at least 2,500 identical units must have been produced in 12consecutive months and which have been available for sale in the EEC or are Homologated by the FIA in Group N or are cars for which an approved Vehicle Specification Sheet exists. Applications must be made in writing to the Administrator by 11th January 2002 for a cars' inclusion in the list of eligible cars.
The Administrator may decline to include a car should the car proposed be out of current Group N FIA Homologation or have been out of production by the manufacturer for more than seven calendar years should the car not be homologated. The decision of the Administrator to accept or to decline cars' application for inclusion will be final. Late applications may be accepted solely at the discretion of the Administrator.
Manufacturers have the possibility of obtaining the provisional homologation by TOCA of a car before the total production necessary for definitive homologation has been reached, on condition that:
- cars of the model and family considered are on free sale to the public;
- the total production of the model considered (2,500 identical units) is completed before 30 December of the current year;
- all other homologation requirements are fulfilled.
If the full production is not completed before the deadline, the Administrator may impose penalties in accordance with section 4 of the Sporting Regulations.
5.2.3 Only cars with two-wheel drive (Front Wheel or Rear Wheel Drive) are eligible.
5.2.4 Cars with forced induction are not eligible.
5.2.5 The Entrants of all cars are required to submit a completed Vehicle Specification Sheet when registering in the BTC Production Championship.
The completed Vehicle Specification Sheet will be considered and approved (if appropriate) by the Administrator.
The Administrator will verify the information in the Vehicle Specification Sheet by any or all of the following means: - FIA Homologation Forms for Group A and N (if available); the manufacturer's official workshop manuals; or by examination of production-line vehicles or components for the appropriate model.
The Vehicle Specification Sheet must be available for inspection upon request from any BTCC Official at all Championship Meetings.
5.2.6 All Entrants will be issued with a Vehicle Technical Log Book, which must be presented at scrutineering.
5.3 Safety Requirements
5.3.1 The provisions of Art. 253 for Group N of Appendix J and the provisions of Art.261.6 Super Production of the FIA International Sporting Code 2002 (FIA Year Book) apply in full.
5.3.2. Window nets as defined in FIA Year Book Art.253.11 and Art.261.6.6 are mandatory.
5.4 General Technical Requirements and Exceptions
5.4.1 Eligible cars must be mass-produced, Series Production Saloon cars, having at least 4 seats and 2, 3, 4 or 5 doors, in accordance with the dimensions defined by the FIA for Touring Cars (Group A).
5.4.2 To be eligible to register, for the BTC Production Championship cars must be accepted by the Administrator and must in all respects be identifiable Series Production models and must race with an engine based on that fitted to the original Series Production Vehicle.
5.4.3 No supply or optional variants are permitted. No evolutions of type or sporting variants, or cars recognised by the Administrator as GT cars are permitted.
5.4.4 All or any modification not expressly permitted by these Technical Regulations are forbidden. A permitted modification may not give rise to a forbidden modification.
5.4.5 Modifications and additions may only be made where specifically permitted within these Technical Regulations. The only other work which may be carried out on the car is that necessary for its normal servicing, or for the replacement of parts worn out through use or accident. Parts worn through use or accident may only be replaced by an original, standard, new part or a proprietary part identical in all other respects to the original, to the satisfaction of the Administrator.
5.4.6 On the complete car, any nut, bolt or screw may be replaced by another nut, bolt or screw, provided that the material, diameter and thread of the original production part is respected unless otherwise allowed under these Technical Regulations.
5.4.7 Articles 251, 252 and 253 of Appendix J to the FIA Year Book apply, but these Technical Regulations will have precedence.
5.4.8 Modifications solely on the grounds of safety over and above those permitted in these Technical Regulations may be permitted on application to and at the sole discretion of the Administrator. Approval of such modifications will be published in a bulletin.
5.4.9 Primary function:
Under all circumstances the primary function of any component, even if its design is free, is the overriding factor in determining its eligibility. Secondary functions, particularly aerodynamic, unless specifically authorised in these Technical Regulations are not permitted.
5.4.10 The expression " free ":
The expression " free " means that the design and manufacture of that item is free except where any of the Technical Regulations state otherwise.
5.5 Chassis
5.5.1 Any references to the bodywork in these Technical Regulations include chassis or bodyshell.
5.5.2 The Jack is free on condition that its lifting points on the car are not modified. It is permitted to fit an on-board pneumatic system but the compressed air bottle must not be carried in the car.
5.6 Bodywork
5.6.1 Exterior bodywork. Only those aerodynamic devices which are permanently mounted on the bodywork and which are Series Production parts on the 2,500 units produced for normal road use in the country of origin are permitted. The Administrator will be the sole arbiter in any dispute concerning the eligibility of aerodynamic devices. It is permitted to bend inwards (but not outwards) the metal edges of the wheel arches, or to shorten the inner edges of plastic (non-metallic) wheel arches, to prevent tyre damage, but prohibited to modify the production method of fixing the wings to the rest of the bodywork, except that rivets can be replaced by bolts or welding. The original production car contours of the wheelarch /wing must remain. Sound-deadening material and plastic liners may be removed from the wheelarch area. Plastic parts in the wheelarch area may be replaced with aluminium ones of the same shape and dimensions. Insulating or corrosion-protection material may be removed. Exterior decorative trim parts may be removed. All parts which follow the outer contours of the bodywork and that measure less than 25mm in any direction are considered as trim items. Bumper mounting materials are free, provided that the bodywork and the shape and the position of the bumper mountings are not altered. Production openings in the bodywork, e.g. for fog lamps, may be used as air intakes. As long as the production apertures are not modified, it is permitted to fasten ducting behind them. All production underbody/under engine protection must be removed. It is not permitted to fit any underbody/under engine protection. Any additional brackets under the car must not give an aerodynamic effect. The front screen wiper blades may be replaced. Any rear screen wiper/arm blade fitted may be removed, along with the rear wiper motor. Left and right exterior door mirrors as on the Series Production Vehicle must be fitted. The reflecting part may be replaced with another possessing the same qualities of reflection and of which the basis is composed of plastic. The electrical defrosting and adjustment systems may be removed. It is permitted to reinforce the suspended parts (those parts which are sprung by means of the suspension) provided that the material used follows the original shape and is in continuous contact with it. The freedom to strengthen the suspended parts also permits strengthening of the whole body by welding or by the addition of material. This means that for example it is permitted to add a second suspension strut turret over the original by welding. When adding material, the principle must be borne in mind that any added material must follow the contours of the original and must be in contact with it. It is permitted to make Series Production Vehicle cross members, in the vicinity of the engine bay removable (to aid engine servicing), providing the strut remains of the same material and dimensions other than substitution of bolts for existing welding.
5.6.2 Interior bodywork. The front passenger seat and the rear seats must be removed, and the driver's seat must be exchanged for an FIA-approved racing seat incorporating side head protection. All coverings, including the headlining, sound-deadening material, the standard seatbelts, the rear parcel shelf and the carpets, must be removed from the cockpit, engine back and luggage compartment. It is not permitted to remove the weather-strips from around any door, bonnet or tailgate/boot lid. The inner door panels and the inner side panels may be replaced by other fire resistant panels which must completely cover the window winder and door catch mechanisms. These coverings must cover all the moveable parts and must entirely cover them in one uniform piece, leaving all parts including the door hinges, the door locks and all parts concerned with the window-lifting mechanism in an operational state. Electric windows may be replaced by manual windows. The lifting mechanism of the rear door windows is free. It is permitted on two-door cars to replace the existing, production electrically-powered rear side windows by mechanically-raised windows, or to replace opening rear windows with fixed, closed windows as long as the parts are production parts for that car. All glass windows excluding the front screen and exterior mirrors must be covered with a safety film in order to avoid the spraying of glass in an accident.
Windows which are required to open must open a minimum of 100mm measured at their rear edge. Accessories which have no effect on the performance of the car are permitted, e.g. those concerning the aesthetics or the comfort of the passenger area. It is permitted to remove and/or replace the original Heating System with another, and if an electric or similar demisting system is used, the water feed of the original internal heating device may be blocked off. However the car must be fitted with systems that are capable of effectively demisting all windows with the exception of the rear side windows whilst the Car is in motion.
These accessories may not have any effect, even indirectly, on the performance of the engine, steering, transmission, braking or road holding. The cold air-conditioning system may be removed. It is permitted to use either a left-hand or a right-hand drive version, provided that the Series Production Vehicle specification and the converted specification are mechanically equivalent and the parts used are those provided by the manufacturer for the conversion. The spare wheel(s) must be removed. The function of all controls must be as foreseen by the manufacturer. It is permitted to replace the pedal box with the TOCA specified pedal box (part number AP CP5500-2 TOCA) provided the face of the pedals is retained in the Series Production position +/- 25mm and the position of the master cylinders is free but the reservoirs must not be situated in the cockpit. It is permitted to modify the floor pan locally to fit the specified pedal box.
The following in particular are permitted: -
a. Additional measuring instruments, gauges, etc, provided that their fitment does not create a danger.
b. The horn may be removed.
c. The handbrake mechanism is free, and may be modified to provide instant release (fly-off) or removed entirely.
d. Seat mountings are free provided that they respect the provisions of Art. 253.16 of Appendix J of the FIA Yearbook.
e. It is permitted to add extra compartments to the glovebox or in the doors.
f. The steering wheel is free but must comply with MSA regulations and be a complete wheel. The steering column lock must be rendered inoperative.
g. It is permitted to remove any non-structural panels situated below the dashboard. Instrumentation is free.
h. Unused mounting bolts and brackets which are protruding from the basic bodywork may be removed, except that part of any bracket actually fixed to and flush with the bodywork must remain.
5.6.3 Minimum Ride Height. The ground clearance under the car must be a minimum of 80 mm at all times when the car is stationary.
Tests may be carried out only on a flat surface by the BTCC Chief Scrutineer and/or the BTCC Technical Commissioner and/or the BTCC Eligibility Scrutineer, in race trim, with the driver on board. Any system or device that enables the control of the ride height of the car is forbidden.
All ground clearance measurements will be made while the car is in racing trim and is stationary on a flat surface with a minimum area of 4.5m x 2.5m with an out of plane tolerance of ±2mm.
Please see Sporting Regulation 1.10.
5.7 Engine
5.7.1 The total measured Cylinder Capacity must not exceed 2000 cm³ The bore and stroke must be as Series Vehicle Production Specification. The Compression Ratio must be a maximum of 11:1 with no account taken of volume down from which ever is the lower of the piston crown or block top face to the top piston ring. The location and installation position of the engine must not be altered from that of the Series Production Vehicle Specification.
5.7.2 The crankshaft and the connecting rods must be of ferrous material, but are otherwise free provided the Series Production crankshaft main bearing size is retained.
5.7.3 Pistons are free but their weight including rings and gudgeon pin must be as Series Production Vehicle Specification. The number and the sealing principle of the piston rings must be the same as the Series Production Vehicle Specification.
5.7.4 Cylinder Head. The material and thickness of the cylinder head gasket is free. Valve springs are free but must be made of ferrous material. The camshafts and camfollowers (or rocker arms) are free, but the number and the diameter of the camshaft bearings must be as the Series Production Vehicle. Valve lift shall be a maximum of 10mm.
Variable camshaft systems (variation in the timing of the camshafts) are prohibited. If the Series Production Vehicle is fitted with such a system, it must be rendered inoperative on the race car engine through dismantling or blocking. The cam/valve gears are free, provided that the cambelt or timing chain of the Series Production Vehicle is used to drive the camshaft. Hydraulic Valve actuation maybe replaced by mechanical operation. Ferrous material only to be used in the components used for the conversion. The inlet and exhaust ports in the cylinder head and the inlet manifold may be polished, as long as the Series Production Vehicle Specification contours remain (i.e. the production inlet and exhaust ports must be within the original Series Production Vehicle Specification tolerances) and the Entrant must be able to demonstrate that the inlet and exit points on the cylinder head remain "as cast." The valve seat inserts may be modified by the removal of material. The valve seats and guides are free, but the respective angles of the valve axes must be retained as detailed on the Series Production Vehicle Specification.
5.7.5 Ignition. The manufacturer and type of sparkplug, rev limiter, high-tension cables and ignition components is free, and/or subject to Technical Regulation Engine revs control:
The permitted maximum rpm is 8,500rpm and it is the responsibility of the Competitor to control the revs below this maximum.
The Competitor must install a data logger supplied by TOCA.
This data logger must be installed and wired up strictly in accordance with the data logger manufacturer's instructions and any wiring diagrams issued. The regulation wiring plug seal must always be intact. The data logger will be checked and certified by the BTCC Chief Scrutineer and/or the BTCC Technical Commissioner and/or the BTCC Eligibility Scrutineer as and when deemed necessary throughout each Meeting.
The rpm signal for this data logger must come from a sensor on a toothed wheel fitted to the end of the crankshaft.
5.7.6 Cooling. The thermostat, as well as its control system and the temperature at which it opens, is free. Radiator ducting must respect Technical Regulation The Radiator cap and its locking system in free. The radiator and its air ducting is free, as long as the radiator is installed in its original position, and its installation and the installation of its air ducting does not result in any alterations to the original bodywork subject to Technical Regulation 5.6. The added air ducting behind the radiator must not exceed the outer dimensions of the radiator (with a tolerance of + 2cm) and the end of the duct may only extend as far as the vertical plane of the front axle centre, as a maximum. The Radiator and its attachments are free. The coolant expansion chamber may be replaced by another with an increase in capacity of up to 2 litres. The chamber must be installed in the engine bay, otherwise is free. Water hoses and/or pipes, other than those within the engine or the engine ancillaries, are free. The fan is free. Oil coolers are free, but the bodywork must not be altered by the installation. It is only permitted to install the oil cooler outside the bodywork if it is below the wheel centre line, but it must not protrude beyond the periphery of the car when viewed from plan view. The transportation and use of ice during an event, is prohibited.
5.7.7 Mixture formation. Electronically operated accelerator systems must be rendered inoperative, and/or replaced by a mechanical system.
It is permitted to double or to replace the accelerator cable with another irrespective of its manufacturer provided it operates on the same principle.
5.7.8 Fuel injection: the original type of fuel injection system must be retained. The fuel injection electronic management system is free. All sensors and switches of the electronic management system are free. The standard sensors may be freely replaced by different transmitters, but not added to. The fuel injectors are free, provided their operating principle, number and location (including the dimensions of the port) remain unmodified. The measures permitted above may have no influence on the quantity of inducted air, which must remain as Series Production Vehicle Specification.
5.7.9 Air Filter. All air to be used for combustion must pass through an air filter. Air ducting ahead of the air filter housing is free. Air ducting from the air filter housing to the specified 60mm diameter throttle body and from this to the inlet manifold is free. The production throttle bodies must be removed.
The sole supplier of the specified 60mm throttle body is Jenvey Dynamics Ltd (Contact: Richard Jenvey), Building 2, Stanmore Industrial Estate, Bridgenorth, Shropshire, WV15 5HP, Telephone 01746 768810, Fax 01746 768363, e-mail Rjenvey@jenvey.co.uk Within the following limits, the air filter housing is free: -
a. There may only be one inlet to the air filter housing. The construction of the system from the specified throttle body to the cylinder head must be of sufficient strength to prevent any entry of air when the specified throttle body is sealed off as part of an integrity test, thereby causing the engine to stop running.
b. The air filter housing must contain an air filter, capable of filtering dust particles; otherwise the air filter is free. All air entering the system must pass through this air filter.
c. The air filter housing may have only one exit ducting air to the specified throttle body.
5.7.10 Lubrication. Baffle plates within the production oil sump are free. Oil filters may be freely replaced by others, providing they correspond to the original. Oil filters may include replacement screw-on type oil filter cartridges. These may be replaced as long as they respect the following points: -
a. All oil must pass through the oil filter.
b. The oil filter must filter dirt particles, but it is permitted to increase the oil flow rate relative to the original.
c. It is forbidden to modify the connection for the oil filter housing.
d. The original location must be respected. An air/oil separator with a capacity of at least 1 litre may be installed in the engine bay. The oil may only return by gravity to the engine. Gases must be routed back to the inlet system through a pipe connected to the air intake pipe, fixed between the Air Cleaner and Throttle Body.
5.7.11 Flywheel. The Series Production flywheel may be modified by the removal of material to achieve the combined flywheel and clutch minimum weight of 8.5kgs as defined in It is not permitted to alter from the Series Production Vehicle Specification dimension, the outer diameter dimension of the flywheel where it meets the friction surface of the clutch disc, or of the starter teeth ring.
The flywheel may also be re-manufactured from steel provided the combined flywheel and clutch minimum weight is maintained but it is not permitted to alter from the Series Production Vehicle Specification dimension, the outer diameter dimension of the flywheel where it meets the friction surface of the clutch disc, or of the starter teeth ring.
It is permitted to machine the clutch face to accommodate the fixings of the clutch permitted by In the case of a car fitted as Series Production specification with a two-mass flywheel, it is permitted on the grounds of safety to replace this with a single element flywheel made from steel provided the combined flywheel and clutch minimum weight is maintained. It is not permitted to alter from the Series Production Vehicle Specification dimension, the outer diameter dimension of the flywheel where it meets the friction surface of the clutch disc, or of the starter teeth ring.
5.7.12 Exhaust system
The exhaust system is free downstream of the cylinder head provided that the prescribed sound levels of 118 dB (A) at 6375 RPM when measured at an angle of 45 and at 0.5 metres distance and at a height of 0.5 m 0.1m above the ground.
Variable exhaust systems are prohibited. If the vehicle is originally equipped with such a system, it must be rendered inoperative.
The exhaust manifold is part of the exhaust system.
The lambda probe must be placed a maximum of 20 cm after the junction plane in an exhaust manifold tube, or must be retained in its original position if the original exhaust system is used.
The position of the specified catalytic converter is free.
The exhaust gases must, at all times, pass through an HJS catalytic converter either part number BTCC 2001-03 or part number 1054-10 TC90950015 which are available from JE Developments (tel 01455 202909). The position of the catalytic converter must be indicated by coloured markings on the underbody of the car.
The exit of the exhaust pipe must be situated at the rear of the car, within the perimeter of the car, and be less than 10 cm from this perimeter.
The section of the exhaust silencers or of the catalyst itself must always be round or oval.
5.7.13 Engine mountings.
Engine mountings are free provided they utilise the same mounting points as the production car, the number remains the same and the installation position of the engine and gearbox is not altered from the Series Production Vehicle specification.
5.8 Suspension and Steering
5.8.1 Front axle. (Any modifications must conform to Technical Regulation The Series Production Vehicle Specification suspension mounting bushes may be changed for other bushes (e.g. silent blocks for harder rubber, aluminium bushes, spherical bearings). The new mounting points and pivot points of the suspension may be moved up to a maximum of 20mm from the original mounting and pivot points. The Series Production Vehicle Specification suspension parts may not, with the exception of the addition of circlip grooves, be modified. This means that, after removing the suspension mounting elements, the Series Production Vehicle Specification suspension mounting elements (e.g. the production silent blocks) must be able to be reinserted in working order in the respective suspension parts. The suspension ball-and-socket joints situated on the arms at the lower triangle on the wheel side may be freely replaced, provided that the fixation points on the arms are not modified.
The position of the new rotational point may be moved by a maximum of 20 mm, following all the axes in relation to the initial rotational point.
This may be achieved by modifying the extremity of the arm or lower triangle on the wheel side, through adding a removable system.
The welding of such a system onto the arm or lower triangle is permitted. The steering rack housing must be retained in its original position. The rack internal components and hence ratio are free. The steering track rods and steering joints are free but must be made of ferrous material. Any Power Steering System fitted, maybe disconnected or removed should the competitor so choose.
The driving pulley of a hydraulic power-steering pump is free.
A hydraulic power-steering pump may be replaced with an electric power-steering pump, provided that this electric pump is fitted on any Series Production vehicle and is commonly on sale. The top mounts of a combined spring/damper unit (MacPherson strut) on the front axle are free, provided that the Series Production Vehicle Specification mounting points on the bodywork are retained and that each is mounted no further than 20mm from the original mounting points. Modifications to the bodywork are not permitted, except to add up to 3 holes with a maximum diameter of 10.5mm in the strut turret in order to mount the MacPherson strut.
It is permitted to use these mounting points on the wheel housing for the suspension strut as a means to adjust the camber of the front axle.
5.8.2 Rear Axle. (Any modifications must conform to Technical Regulation The Series Production Vehicle suspension mounting elements may be changed for other elements (e.g. silent blocks for harder rubber, aluminium bushing, spherical bearings). The new mounting points and pivot points of the suspension may be moved up to a maximum of 20mm from the original mounting and pivot points. The Series Production Vehicle suspension parts may not, with the exception of the addition of circlip grooves, be modified. This means that, after removing the suspension mounting elements, the Series Production Vehicle suspension mounting elements (e.g. the production silent blocks) must be able to be reinserted in working order in the respective suspension parts. Multi-link rear axles: It is permitted to elongate existing holes in the suspension arms and/or suspension mounting support structures (subframes, axle-carriers) upto a maximum of 10mm in both directions. Single-link axles: The Series Production Vehicle suspension arms may be modified to permit camber and toe adjustment. But the arrangement of spring and damper, and the distance from the pivot point of the suspension arm to the wheelhub centre, must remain as production. Rear axles in general: The modifications permitted for the rear axle do not permit modifications to the bodywork.
5.8.3 General. Suspension geometry is free within the limits of the possibilities set out in these Technical Regulations. It is freely permitted to exchange the Series Production Vehicle anti-roll bars for others, providing these are mounted in the Series Production Vehicle locations. Anti-roll bars must be made of steel, and may not be adjustable from the cockpit. If the anti-roll bar is disconnected, all parts of the anti-roll bar and its fixings must remain attached to the car by at least two of the remaining mounting points and any disconnected link must be restrained in a safe condition. Track is free. Wheel spacers are permitted, as long as the conditions of Technical Regulations 5.12 (Wheels) and 5.13 (Tyres) are respected. (See also Technical Regulation 5.13.2). Strengthening of the suspension and its mounting points is permitted by the addition of material, subject to these Technical Regulations. (See Technical Regulation The Series Production Vehicle wheel bearings may be exchanged for strengthened bearings of the same type and inside diameter as the original. Larger outside diameter bearings up to a maximum of 3 mm above Series Production Vehicle specification dimension (and corresponding modification to the bearing case) may be fitted. The Series Production Vehicle Suspension bushes on the chassis and/or the suspension subframe may be exchanged for others (e.g. silent blocks of harder rubber, metal bushes, plastic bushes, etc). But the position of the subframe or the mounting support structure must be maintained when measured in all three dimensions in an unloaded condition in relation to the Series Production Vehicle. It is prohibited to modify in any way the bodywork, the chassis/the suspension subframe or the original mounting points. That means that it must be possible at all times to refit the original suspension bushes to the chassis/subframe, and refit the chassis/subframe to the bodywork, in its Series Production Vehicle location. A strap or cable for limiting suspension travel may be affixed to each suspension. To this end, holes of 8.5 mm (max) may be bored on the Bodyshell side and the suspension side. On application to the Administrator and solely on the ground of safety it is permitted to homologate an alternative hub and bearing unit with any necessary stub axle modifications provided that the hub face retains the Series Production position.
5.8.4 Springs. Coil springs: Coil springs are free, providing they respect the following conditions: The number is free and they must be made from ferrous material. It is permitted to replace them with concentric coil springs on shock absorbers. Spring seats are free and may be adjustable, if the adjustable element is a part of the spring seat, and is separate from the suspension arm and the bodywork. (i.e. they must be distinct and removable). Leaf springs: The length, width and thickness and the vertical curvature of leaf springs is free. Torsion bar springs: The type and diameter of torsion bar springs is free, provided they are made of steel. Their diameter must exceed 80% of to the Series Production Vehicle part. For vehicles with torsion bars, coil springs may be added on the axle concerned, provided that they are concentric to the shock absorbers. It is permitted to install a clamp device(s) to prevent dislodgement of the springs from their locations.
5.8.5 Dampers Dampers are free; but must respect the number, type (telescopic, lever arm) working principle, (hydraulic, friction) and mounting points of the Series Production Vehicle. Providing that the damper has no guiding or load-bearing function, a solid bush may be replaced by a spherical bearing, or another joint (e.g.: a stiffer rubber or an aluminium sleeve). Gas-filled dampers are considered to have the same working principle as hydraulic dampers and damper tanks may be attached to the unmodified bodyshell, provided this does not result in modifications not authorised by these Technical Regulations. If it is necessary when replacing the damping element of a MacPherson strut or a similar suspension device, to replace the whole suspension strut, the replacement must be mechanically equivalent and use the same mounting points as the original, Series Production unit. In MacPherson suspension, the shape, dimension and material of the spring seats is free, and they may be adjustable. In the case of a hydropneumatic suspension, the volume, shape and material of the spheres may be changed, but not their number. A tap adjustable from the outside of the car may be fitted on the spheres for both the gas and fluid compartments.
5.8.6 Reinforcements. Reinforcement bars may be fitted on the suspension mounting points of the same axle, on the bodyshell or chassis, on each side of the car's longitudinal axis, on condition that they are removable and attached by means of bolts. The distance between a suspension attachment point and an anchorage point of the bar may not be greater than 100mm, unless the bar is a transversal strut homologated with the roll over bar, or unless there is an upper bar attached to a MacPherson suspension or similar. In order to attach the transversal strut, it is permitted to make three holes with a maximum diameter of 10.5 mm each in the chassis, on each side of the same axle. In the latter case, the maximum distance between an anchorage point of the bar and upper articulation point will be 150mm. Mounting rings/eyes for the reinforcement bar (transverse strut) may be welded to the bodywork. The reinforcement bar may not be mounted on the bodyshell or the mechanical parts unless as specified in Technical Regulations and above.
5.9 Transmission
5.9.1 Gearbox. The Series Production Vehicle gearbox casing must be used and locations must be provided in order that the gearbox may be sealed at any time prior to or during an event the car undertakes in 2002. The maximum number of forward gears must be five, but the ratios are free and are to be nominated to the BTCC Chief Scrutineer along with the number of teeth 14 days prior to the first race to be entered and not changed for the duration of the 2002 Championship. The internals of the gearbox are otherwise free (except that only steel, brass or Series Production Vehicle components are allowed), but must include a reverse gear capable of being operated by the driver when strapped in the driving seat. It is permitted to modify the inside of the production casing to accommodate the replacement / modified internals An existing, Series Production Vehicle automatic gearbox of a model may be replaced by a manual gearbox specified by the original car's manufacturer for that Series Production vehicle. No automatic or sequential transmissions are permitted. The gearbox mountings are free provided they utilise the same mounting points as the Series Production Vehicle, and the number remains the same and installation of the gearbox is not altered. Gearbox and differential oil coolers are permitted. To this end it is permitted to create a maximum of two holes in the gearbox. These holes may only be used for the inlet and outlet connections to the oil cooling circulatory system. The Series Production Vehicle bearings of the production gearshift linkage may be replaced freely by other bearings. The gearshift shall be Direct Linkage, "H" pattern. The Series Production Vehicle gear lever may not be extended, otherwise the control devices for the gear selection are free. Any adaptation must not contradict any other regulation and the "H" pattern shift must be retained.
5.9.2 Clutch. The clutch is free within the following limits.
- minimum Diameter of friction plate(s) 184mm
- no Carbon material
- combined minimum weight of flywheel and clutch assembly - 8.5kgs includes mounting bolts/nuts for securing clutch assembly to flywheel and flywheel to crankshaft. The pressure assembly is free, provided that the following points are not modified:
- original type;
- operating principle;
- original spring type; The clutch cable is free.
An automatic tightening device on the clutch control may be replaced by a mechanical device and vice-versa.
The clutch stop is free. The master cylinder must be retained in the original compartment
5.9.3 Differential. 14 days prior to the first race to be entered the Driver/Entrant must nominate, in writing to the BTCC Chief Scrutineer a choice of three Final Drive ratios for use during the 2002 Championship. The design (material and type of teeth) is free. It is permitted to install a mechanical limited-slip differential in the original differential housing. Series Production Vehicles fitted with electronic traction control must have this disabled by removal of the management system and its sensors. Any device which artificially limits the engine speed/power, below the peak of the engine power curve, is prohibited.
"Mechanical limited slip differential" means any system which works purely mechanically, i.e. without the help of a hydraulic or electric system. A viscous clutch is not considered to be a mechanical system.
5.9.4 Driveshafts. The driveshafts between the differential and the wheels are free, providing that their material is steel and the Series Production Vehicle constant velocity joints on the wheel side are used.
5.10 Electrical System
5.10.1 Cabling. The engine wiring loom is free. In other respects the wiring system is free, provided that the provisions that follow are respected.
5.10.2 Battery. The manufacturer and capacity of the battery are free. It must be possible to start the engine at all times by means of the on-board battery. The battery must be securely fixed and covered so that leaks and short-circuiting is not possible. If the battery is not located in its Series Production Vehicle location, it must be secured to the bodywork by means of a metallic seat and two bolted, metal straps covered with insulation. The bolts used must have a minimum diameter of 10mm. Between each bolt and the metalwork there must be an underlay of at least 3mm thickness and 20cm2 surface area. Any Battery energy - recuperating system, other than that provided by the engine, is prohibited when the car is at a Meeting.
5.10.3 Alternator. The alternator may be replaced by a more powerful unit.
5.10.4 Lighting. The original Series Production Vehicle exterior lighting with the exception of front fog lamps must be retained, and must be functional at all times during the event. The headlamp glass may be taped at the bottom and the top. However a 4cm wide parallel strip, symmetrical to the headlight bulb, must be left uncovered across the whole width of the headlamp. Front fog lamps may be removed. The resulting apertures may be used as described in Technical Regulations and, otherwise they may be blanked over. If not fitted on the Series Production Car a minimum of one Rear High Intensity Light must be fitted, be fully operational and activated on request by BTCC Officials. It is permitted to add a reverse light, provided that it only functions when reverse gear is selected and that the road traffic legal regulations are respected.
5.10.5 Fuses. It is permitted to add additional fuses to the electrical system.
5.10.6 Telemetry/Radio Transmission. No type of data transmission from the moving vehicle is permitted. Impulse senders for lap timing devices are permitted, as long as these are not connected to the engine management system. On-board data acquisition systems are permitted, but these may receive input from a sensor on one non-driven wheel only, at any one time. Pit to car radio systems must be fitted and operational on all cars at all Rounds. Please refer to Sporting Regulation 1.8.
5.11 Braking System
5.11.1 The brake system for the front wheels is free, provided that it uses the original Series Production Vehicle mounting points of the brake system and that it respects the following points: -
a) a maximum of 4 brake pistons per wheel are permitted;
b) the maximum permitted diameter of the brake disc is 296.5mm;
c) the brake discs must be made of a metallic, iron-based material. Carbon composite material is not permitted.
d) Liquid cooling is not permitted.
e) On application to the Administrator it is permitted to modify the Series Production Vehicle mounting points if it is not possible to locate a brake system complying with this regulation on the Series Production Vehicle mounting points.
5.11.2 The rear brake calipers are free, but with a maximum of two brake pistons per wheel.
5.11.3 The following apply to the whole brake system: - It is permitted to replace the Series Production Vehicle Specified brake master cylinder provided it remains in its original compartment. "Brake fixings and friction material are free but carbon in any form is prohibited save that a conventional 'carbon-metallic' brake pad does not contravene this Regulation provided that the supplier makes appropriate "carbon metallic" brake pads available to all Competitors at every Championship Meeting." It is permitted to fit a brake-balance bar or valve between the front and rear brakes and allow the brake - balance to be varied by means of a hand control inside the car. It is permitted to remove or disable a brake servo system. Cars with ABS systems must have the ABS control unit removed. It is further permitted to remove all elements of the ABS system provided that Art. 253.4 of Appendix J of the FIA Year Book is respected. It is permitted to relocate brake lines, provided that Art. 253.3 of Appendix J of the FIA Year Book is respected. It is permitted to replace the Series Production Vehicle brake lines with aviation-standard lines. The arrangement of the dual brake-circuits is free. It is permitted to install a single flexible brake duct pipe per wheel with a maximum inner diameter of 10 cm. This flexible duct must start within 200 mm of the exterior of the car. This flexible duct pipe must not incorporate any form of manufactured exit duct. It is permitted to use existing apertures in the Series Production Vehicle bodywork, e.g. for fog lamps, as air inlets for brake cooling ducts. The fixing of the flexible brake duct pipes 20 mm behind the exterior surface of these apertures is free, provided that the exterior bodywork and the aperture remain unmodified i.e. the interior of the production aperture may be modified to fit the flexible pipe. If there are no apertures in the Series Production Vehicle bodywork, it is permitted to add two circular openings with a maximum of 10 cm diameter in the front bumper, a GFRP duct may be added between this opening and the flexible duct. Brake shields may be removed or their shape altered.
5.12 Wheels
5.12.1 Wheel diameter must be 15". Rim width must be 6" minimum and 7" maximum. Wheels must be made of a metallic material and be one-piece with a minimum weight of 5kgs; otherwise wheels are free.
5.12.2 It is permitted to replace wheel fixings by bolts with studs and nuts, provided that the number of fixing points is not altered and the diameter of the parts that may be bolted on, respects the above and remain unchanged.
5.12.3 It is not permitted to add air extractors to the wheels.
5.13 Tyres
5.13.1 See Sporting Regulation 1.14
5.13.2 The uppermost half of the complete wheel (wheel and tyre) must be covered by the wheelarch when viewed from the "Vertical Plan View".
5.13.3 Pressure relief valves are not permitted.
Foam or any system enabling the car to be driven without air in the tyres is prohibited.
5.14 Minimum Weight
5.14.1 The minimum (base) weight for the car (in kilos) including driver (wearing his/her complete race suit with helmet) and fuel and any Championship TV Camera/Equipment fitted to a Race Car, throughout any competition must not be less than:
Front-Wheel Drive Cars: 1110 kg.
Rear Wheel Drive Cars: 1110 kg
The minimum weight of cars with an engine capacity of less than 1950cc will be specified on application.
The minimum weight of BTC Production Cars may be subject to review. Please see Sporting Regulations 1.11.2.c.
5.14.2 It is permitted to add ballast to a car in order to meet the base weight regulations. Such ballast must be formed of solid, unitary blocks. They must be fixed through means of bolts only to the floor of the front passenger seat well of the car only, and these fixings must be able to withstand an acceleration or deceleration force of 25g. Provision must be made for the Scrutineers to affix seals to the ballast.
5.14.3. Ballast Box
Each competitor must install a standard ballast box using the specified fixings in the location specified as detailed on drawings number 001 and 001B
5.14.4. Weight Handicap
The competitor may be required to carry weight handicap ballast in accordance with Sporting Regulations 1.11.1. and 1.11.2.
5.14.5 The sole supplier for the ballast box and weights is: Spec Fab (Pershore) Ltd, Unit 5A, Pershore Trading Estate, Pershore, Worcestershire Contact Dave Lampitt, Telephone 01386 552790, Fax 01386 556827
5.15 Fuel/Fuel System
5.15.1 Fuel tank. The only fuel tanks allowed are FT3 safety tanks complying with FIA specifications, installed either in the boot or the Series Production Vehicle location. The Series Production Vehicle fuel tank must be removed. Cars built after 01-01-2002 may be fitted with the TOCA specified fuel tank. The location of the filler is free, except it is not permitted to locate it on a glass surface and it may not stand proud of the bodywork. Cars fitted with charcoal filter system in the fuel tank breather must have this removed. It is permitted to fit a collecting pot with a maximum volume of 1 litre. The total capacity of the entire fuel system must be no greater than 100 litres. The construction between the filler and the fuel tank must be fireproof and leakproof, as must be the breather from the fuel tank. In the case of a fuel tank installed in the luggage area of a hatchback car, it must be enclosed in a fireproof and leakproof casing; in all other cases there must be a fireproof and leakproof bulkhead installed between the passenger area and the boot.
5.15.2 Aviation standard fuel lines must be used, otherwise fuel lines are free, providing they respect the provisions of Art. 253.3 of Appendix J of the FIA Year Book.
5.15.3 Fuel pumps: Type are free but only three additional fuel pumps (over the number fitted to the Series Production vehicle) are permitted.
5.15.4 Fuel and combustion materials. It will be mandatory for all cars to use a specified unleaded fuel complying with BS 7800. Please refer to Technical Regulation 5.16.3. Any modification of the prescribed fuel is forbidden. It is therefore prohibited to add or to remove any substance whatsoever, or to alter its concentration. It is forbidden to mix the specified fuel with another. The only permitted combustion material in addition to the fuel is air drawn from the surrounding natural environment. In order to enable the safe taking of a fuel sample from the engine compartment it is necessary to install an FIA approved connector in the immediate vicinity of the injection rail. This sample take-off point with a dry break coupling must be situated between the injection rail and the fuel pipe. A suitable hose with a dry break coupling must be made available to the Official Scrutineers for the purposes of taking the fuel sample, if required.
5.16 Specific Championship Technical Directives:
5.16.1. The TOCA approved performance monitoring device must be installed so as to monitor engine and car performance.
Details of the specification and installation for this device will be made available to all entrants in a bulletin.
5.16.2. All competitors must fit an Electronic Self Identification Module in either the front wheelarch or engine bay where it will have an unobstructed view of the track timing sensors for the purpose of accurate timing. The BTCC Chief Scrutineer will approve the exact location on each car prior to participation in the Championship. These modules must be in place and functioning correctly for all Championship test days, practice sessions, qualifying sessions and races. The setting and servicing of the modules must only be carried out by properly authorised MSA licensed timekeepers. Competitors will be charged by TOCA for repair or replacement of the modules due to accident damage or misuse.
This unit must be supplied with a 12v, 30 milliamp electrical feed to ensure its constant operation.
Competitors may not place electronic timing equipment within ten metres of the official Start, Finish or any other timing lines at any meeting or TOCA test day. Any such team equipment placed within this zone will be removed.
5.16.3. The sole supplier of unleaded fuel for the Championship, appointed by TOCA, is Petrochem Carless Ltd. Details of the specification; purchase, distribution and all other arrangements concerning this fuel can be obtained from Michael Jardine (for any technical queries on tel: 01282 779112 or fax: 01282 778660 or answer phone / fax 01253 891266 and e-mail mjardine@petrochemcarless.com). Orders should be sent to Nicole Bass (on tel: 01372 380532 or fax:01372 380404 or e-mail msports@petrochemcarless.com). This is the only fuel allowed to be used by competitors during the course of the championship. Should it be necessary for Carless to manufacture more than one batch of fuel during the season it is not permitted to mix these batches. No alterations to the composition of this fuel and no additional substances of any type are permitted to be made to the fuel as supplied. Purchase of the fuel is the responsibility of the entrant. No fuel will be available for purchase at the circuits.
5.16.4. The use of any specific device, whether on board or not, to decrease the temperature of the fuel below the ambient temperature is forbidden.
5.16.5. At all times during a meeting, in addition to the BTCC Officials an official of the nominated fuel supplier appointed by the Administrator will be given free and unrestricted access by all competitors for the purpose of taking fuel samples from competing cars and/or containers used for refuelling purposes. These fuel samples will be taken in accordance with the procedures set out in B.19.2. of the General Regulations of MSA. These samples may be analysed and compared with the specified control fuel by qualified personnel using specialised testing equipment provided at the venue. Any discrepancy between these samples will result in the matter being referred immediately for the appropriate judicial action under Regulation 4. The Administrator may disallow the competitor continued participation in the Championship until such time as the matter of any referred discrepancy has been resolved. A competitor must not be in possession of any fuel or any fuel additives in any container at the venue other than Carless Control Fuel (see Regulation 5.16.3.) and standard commercially available motor vehicle fuels.
5.16.6. At least 3 litres of fuel must remain in each competitor's fuel tank at the end of each qualifying session and race. Each competitor is required to lodge the following with the BTCC Chief Scrutineer prior to scrutineering for the first meeting in which they are participating:
o FIA, TOCA&/or DMSB Homologation papers if they exist
o Roll Cage Homologation papers
25cm x 20cm photographs of the Family Vehicle
Front View Rear View
Front Threequarters View Rear Threequarters View
Side View Underbody View
o Drawings of chassis/suspension pick up points Any authorised revisions to the documentation of must be documented and lodged with the BTCC Chief Scrutineer as a condition of continued participation in the Championship.
5.16.8 The towing eye must have a hole of minimum dimensions of 25 x 40 mm, situated 25 mm forward of the adjacent bodywork. Along 100 mm above and below this hole, there must be a clearance to enable the recovery crews to attach straps and shackles. The inner part must be flexible or deformable in order to be retractable into the bodywork.
5.16.9 Cars must comply with the noise regulations at all times. Failure to comply during or at the end of any qualifying session or race is an infringement of Technical Regulations.
5.16.10 Each team manager must read their Vehicle Technical Log Book(s) and comply with the directives contained therein and with all Technical Bulletins. The Vehicle Technical Log Book(s) must be signed by the team manager after each meeting.
5.16.11 TOCA reserves the right throughout the season to undertake detailed analysis of any electronic devices used by competitors and any other related material in order to ensure that these contain no elements capable of use in a manner which may breach any of the Regulations.
The competitor will supply on demand all electronic devices, source codes, programmes, machine codes and all or any material and equipment necessary to ensure full and proper checking and analysis to the BTCC Chief Scrutineer or BTCC Technical Commissioner in order for such scrutiny to take place by a TOCA recognised analyst. The cost for the analysis and checking shall be borne, in full, by the competitor. Other than in the case of a breach of the Regulations, the details of this analysis will remain confidential to TOCA and the competitor.
Failure to permit or facilitate inspection of electronic devices may be a breach of Regulations 4.1. and 4.4. and may lead to exclusion from the Championship by the Administrator or to the imposition of any of the penalties set out in Regulation 4.4.
5.16.12. The use of adhesive tape, without the express authority of the BTCC Chief Scrutineer and/or the BTCC Eligibility Scrutineer, on the exterior surface of the Car is prohibited, except for the use of decals that must not cover (even partially) any hole and/or gap. Radiator intakes may be blanked off behind the exterior bodywork or on the surface of the radiator. |
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