Technical Regulations |
31/05/2002 |
1. General
2. Definitions
3. Championship Approval
4. Weight
5. Permitted Modifications
6. Engine
7. Transmission
8. Suspension
9. Wheels and Tyres
10. Brakes
11. Steering
12. Bodyshell
13. Bodywork
14. Windows
15. Accessories
16. Aerodynamic Devices
17. Cockpit
18. Towing Eyes
19. Electrical Systems
20. Fuel and Fuel Circuit
21. General Prescriptions and Safety
22. Specific Championship Technical Directives
Appendix 01
Specified Parts
Appendix 02
Appendix 03
Supplier Contacts
These Technical Regulations published by TOCA Limited, for use in the BTC Touring class of the British Touring Car Championship (including those which are published in the BTCC Homologation Manual incorporating the homologation forms, in the accompanying appendices and those which are contained within the BTC Touring Technical Manual and Homologation Papers) are absolute. No tolerances, unless specifically stated, are implied. Non-compliance with any provision of the Technical Regulations, whether intentional or not, shall be reported to the BTCC Clerk for the application of penalties laid down in the Sporting Regulations.
Race Cars competing in the Championship shall be designed, constructed and maintained so as to ensure that any such competing car (and/or any of the components used) complies with these Technical Regulations throughout practice, official qualifying and races at each Meeting. It is the sole responsibility of the competitor to ensure that the competing car complies with the Technical Regulations at all times.
TOCA has the right to amend or vary the Technical Regulations at any time before or during the Championship and further to issue additional statements concerning the Technical Regulations from time to time, subject to MSA approval and all such statements, amendments and variations will be issued in a bulletin to MSA and all registered Competitors by posting to the address detailed on the Championship Registration Form or sending to the e-mail address detailed on the Championship Registration Form or faxing to the fax number detailed on the Championship Registration Form, or delivery to the competitor by hand. All Competitors, teams, manufacturers and team members agree to be bound by the Technical Regulations including any amendments, variations or statements relating thereto and to procure compliance by persons associated with them. Only bulletins, clarifications or directives issued by the Co-Ordinator under the instruction of the Administrator will be effective in the Championship.
No express or implied warranty of safety is given or shall arise from the publication of, and compliance with, these Technical Regulations.
For the avoidance of doubt the expression Technical Regulations includes the BTC Touring Technical regulations and the BTC Technical Manual.
1.1 Final Text
The final text for these Technical Regulations shall be the English version, which will be used should any dispute arise over their interpretation.
2.1.1 Land vehicle
A locomotive device propelled by its own means, moving by constantly taking real support on the earth's surface, of which the propulsion and steering are under the control of a driver aboard the vehicle.
2.1.2 Automobile
A land vehicle running on at least four non-aligned complete wheels, of which at least two are used for steering and at least two for propulsion.
2.2 BTC Touring Car
Large-scale series production touring cars with a minimum of 4 seats of a minimum overall length of 4.10 metres, a minimum overall height from the road of 1.35 metres and a production petrol engine capacity of 1.75 to 2.2 litres, and having the engine installed in the front part of the car, driving either the front or rear wheels and steering the two front wheels only. Four-wheel drive may be admitted to the Championship at the discretion of the Administrator.
2.2.1 BTC Touring Engine
A 4-stroke, normally aspirated, reciprocating piston engine with a maximum of 6 cylinders and a cylinder capacity between 1750cc and 2200cc which is in current production and is fitted in any model in the manufacturers range subject to the manufacturer fulfilling the homologation requirements.
2.2.2 BTC Touring Race Car (Race Car)
A BTC Touring Car built specifically to conform in all respects with these Technical Regulations and the Homologation Manual.
2.2.3 BTC Touring Race Engine (Engine)
A BTC Touring Engine built specifically to conform in all respects with these Technical Regulations and the Homologation Manual and comprising the complete assembly containing the cylinder head, cylinder block, sump, cylinder head cover, inlet system up to and including the throttle body and the exhaust manifold.
2.3 Homologation
Is the official certification by the Administrator that the BTC Touring Car and Tuners Kit are approved for competition in the Championship. Homologation requirements are contained in the Homologation Manual. Homologation Papers will document the BTC Touring Car, the BTC Touring Engine and the Kit Parts.
2.4 Bodyshell, Bodywork, subframe
2.4.1 Bodyshell
The major structural part of the homologated BTC Touring Car, constructed of all parts which are permanently attached (by welding, brazing, bonding etc.) including all modifications to it allowed by these Technical Regulations (e.g. safety cage) around which are assembled the mechanical components and the Bodywork. Components or panels that are attached by means of removable fasteners are not considered to be part of the Bodyshell.
2.4.2 Bodywork
All parts homologated with the BTC Touring Car that are licked by the airstream including the underside of the floor pan, except those parts which are considered part of the Bodyshell, or for which freedom of replacement is given within these Technical Regulations.
2.4.3 Subframe
Part fastened to the Bodyshell and/or rollcage to which are attached parts of the suspension and drivetrain.
2.5 Wheels
Wheel: Flange and rim
Complete wheel: Flange, rim and inflated tyre
2.6 Meeting
An organised assembly of Competitors and officials, including one or more competitive or non-competitive activities, taking place within a defined period, and which is governed by the same set of Regulations.
2.7 Cubic capacity
The volume swept in the cylinders of the engine by the movement of the pistons. This volume shall be expressed in cubic centimetres. In calculating engine cubic capacity, the number shall be 3.1416.
2.8 Supercharging / Turbocharging
Increasing the weight of the charge of the fuel/air mixture in the combustion chamber (over the weight induced by normal atmospheric pressure, ram effect and dynamic effects in the intake and/or exhaust system) by any means whatsoever. The injection of fuel under pressure is not considered to be supercharging.
2.9 Cockpit
The volume which accommodates the driver as far back as the centre line of the rear axle.
2.10 Decorative strips
Any parts following the external contour of the original metal Bodywork and with a perpendicular section of less than 75 mm.
2.11 Active system
Any system that senses one or more continuously varying parameters, and uses the measured value(s) in the control of one or more actuators that influence the dynamic characteristics of the Race Car.
2.12 Semi-automatic gearbox
One which, when the driver calls for a gear change, takes over the control of one or more of the Engine, clutch and gear selectors momentarily to enable the gear to be engaged.
2.13 Automatic gearbox
One in which gears may be changed and used without each one being requested by the driver.
2.14 Tools
Items designed to help or enable the hand(s) to apply force in industrial operations (e.g. spanner,
socket, screwdriver etc.)
2.15 Ferrous material
A material containing at least 80% of pure iron by weight.
2.16 Steel
Iron containing from 0.1% to 1.5% carbon in the form of iron carbide.
2.17 Aluminium Alloy
2.17.1 Cast aluminium alloy
A metallic substance which consists of a minimum of 75% of aluminium which is 99.7% pure.
2.17.2 Wrought, forged and extruded aluminium alloys
A metallic substance which consists of a minimum of 88% of aluminium which is 99.7% pure.
2.18 Radiator, Heat Exchanger
2.18.1 Radiator
This is a specific exchanger allowing liquid to be cooled by air i.e. liquid/air exchanger
2.18.2 Heat Exchanger
Mechanical part allowing the exchange of calories between two fluids. For specific exchangers, the first-named fluid is the fluid to be cooled and the second-named fluid is the fluid that allows the cooling i.e. Oil/Water Exchanger (the oil is cooled by the water).
2.19 Standard Part (Standard)
Any part or component which comes from the Homologated BTC Touring Car.
2.20 Specified Part (Specified)
Any part or component specified within the BTC Touring Specified Parts Programme (please refer to Appendix 01).
2.21 Kit Part
Any part or component referred to as a Kit Part (please refer to Homologation Manual Appendices 01 & 04) and detailed in the Homologation Papers.
2.22.1 Manufacturers Tuner
The Manufacturers Tuner is the organisation appointed by the manufacturer entitled to seek homologation of the BTC Touring Car and Kit for its own use and in addition the Manufacturers Tuner must make available the BTC Touring Car and Kit for sale at no more than the maximum price permitted.
2.22.2 Independent Tuner
An organisation or individual who builds BTC Touring Cars for its/his/her own use and who does not receive any substantial and direct or indirect assistance from the manufacturer (please refer to Commercial Regulation 6.5.5) and who is entitled to seek homologation of the BTC Touring Car and the Kit and may sell the BTC Touring Car and Kit for no more then the maximum permitted price
2.22.3. Tuner
In these Technical Regulations and the Homologation Manual, Manufacturers Tuner / Independent Tuner shall be referred to as Tuner.
2.23 Kit
The Kit is the set of items for the Race Car supplied by the Tuner and defined in the Homologation Manual.
2.24 The Administrator
The TOCA Administrator as listed in Sporting Regulation 1.2.1.
2.25 Telemetry
The transmission of data between a moving Race Car and anyone connected with the entry of that Race Car.
2.26 Maximum track width
Measured across the widest part of the complete wheels fitted on the Race Car in race condition is the homologated overall body width plus 2% plus 75mm.
2.27 Maximum body width
Will be the homologated overall body width plus 1% plus 75mm. (art 203 on the homologation form)
2.28 Original position
The position on the homologated BTC Touring Car.
2.29 Original location
The location is the same general area as on the homologated BTC Touring Car i.e. engine bay, forward of the front axle, rearward of the front axle etc.
2.30 FIA Definitions
The following FIA definitions from Appendix J, article 251 of the FIA Year Book apply to these Technical Regulations
2.1.1 2.2 2.3.5 2.3.12 2.5.3 2.7
2.1.4 2.3.1 2.3.7 2.4 2.5.4
2.1.5 2.3.2 2.3.8 2.4.2 2.5.6
2.1.6 2.3.4 2.3.9 2.4.3 2.6
3.1 Car homologation
The Administrator shall approve the cars eligible for homologation. Additions to this list may be made at any time at the sole discretion of the Administrator.
3.2 Manufacturer Homologation Regulations
Manufacturer Homologation Regulations are contained in the Homologation Manual.
3.3 Tuner Homologation Regulations
Tuner Homologation Regulations are contained in the C Homologation Manual.
3.4 Homologation Papers
Following Homologation approval an individual Homologation form will be issued for each make and model of car both for the BTC Touring Car, BTC Touring Engine, the Race Car and the Engine Kit.
3.5 Homologation for the Championship of a BTC Touring Car and BTC Touring Engine will be carried out by TOCA and become null and void 3 years after the date on which the series production of the said model has been stopped.
3.6 Homologation papers must be presented on demand to any BTCC Official.
3.7 The Race Car must comply with the Homologation Manual except for those additional modifications allowed in these Technical Regulations. All modifications not allowed by these Technical Regulations are expressly forbidden. i.e. IF IT DOESN'T SAY YOU CAN, YOU CANNOT.
3.8 Engines
On application to the Administrator and subject to his approval the Tuner may use an alternative engine with similar characteristics (orientation of cylinder head, number of cylinders, number of valves etc.) from a model from the same manufacturer which is not part of the family providing the homologation criteria are satisfied alternatively should a suitable engine not exist then the Tuner may apply to use an engine from a model from the same manufacturer with a different number of cylinders providing the homologation criteria are satisfied.
3.9 Measurements
All ground clearance measurements will be made while the Race Car is in racing trim and is stationary on a flat surface with a minimum area of 4.5m x 2.5m with an out of plane tolerance of ±2mm.
3.10 Duty of the Competitor
It is the duty of each Competitor to satisfy the Scrutineers and the BTCC Clerk and/or the BTCC Deputy Clerk and/or the MSA Stewards to the BTCC that his/her Race Car complies with these Technical Regulations in their entirety at all times during a Meeting.
3.11 Maximum Price
Complete Race Cars will be offered for sale at a maximum price of no more than £125,000. The total cost of all parts to assemble a Race Car must not exceed the maximum price of a Race Car. A price list must be published.
4.1 Minimum weight
All Race Cars must not weigh less than 1150 kg including the driver and his/her complete racing apparel at all times during a Meeting. The minimum weight of Race Cars may be subject to review. Please see Sporting Regulations 1.11.2b.
4.2 Ballast
It is permitted to bring the Race Car up to the minimum weight by one or several ballasts provided that they are strong and unitary blocks, fixed by means of tools with the possibility to fix seals, placed internally on the floor of the cockpit, visible and sealed by the scrutineers if deemed necessary. It is not permitted to install ballast in any other location. Bolts with a diameter of at least 10 mm must be used with a washer at least 3 mm thick with a surface area of at least 20 cm2 below the metal of the cockpit floor.
4.3 Weight Handicap
The Competitor may be required to carry a weight handicap in accordance with Sporting Regulations 1.11.1. and 1.11.2b. The 3kg sheets of ballast are a Specified Part.
5.1 If it doesn't say you can, you can't.
5.2 Primary function:
Under all circumstances the primary function of any component, even if its design is free, is the overriding factor in determining its eligibility. Secondary functions unless specifically authorised in either these Technical Regulations or the Homologation Manual are not permitted.
5.3 The expression " free ":
The expression " free " means that the design and manufacture of that item is free except where any of the Technical Regulations state otherwise.
5.4 It is not permitted to modify in any way, without the approval of the Administrator, any Kit Part which is mandatory and referred to in the Homologation Manual and respective appendices.
5.5 The method of attaching one component that is bolted or screwed to another is free provided it remains bolted or screwed.
5.6 Apart from the parts for which the Technical Regulations and Homologation Manual lays down freedom of modification, any Standard Part required to be maintained by these Technical Regulations and the Homologation Manual cannot be modified, except as specifically allowed.
5.7 Addition of material and parts:
Any addition of material or parts is not permitted unless an article in these Technical Regulations specifically allows it. Any material removed is not to be reused. Restoration of body shape and chassis geometry, following accidental damage, is permissible only using original panels or Standard Parts or by the addition of the materials necessary to effect the repairs (body filler, weld metal, etc.); other parts which are worn or damaged are not to be repaired by the addition or attaching of material unless an article in these Technical Regulations allows appropriate freedom.
5.8 Titanium:
The use of titanium and titanium-based alloys is prohibited unless specifically authorised by these Technical Regulations.
5.9 Composites:
Unless specifically authorised elsewhere in these Technical Regulations and/ or the Homologation Manual items made from composites must be constructed from glass fibre reinforced plastics. The use of honeycombe is not allowed in such components.
5.10 Magnesium:
The use of magnesium alloy sheet metal with a thickness less than 3 mm is prohibited.
5.11 Ceramics:
The use of ceramics is prohibited
5.12 MMC:
The use of metal matrix composites is prohibited.
5.13 The Kit:
A Kit must be used in its entirety save that parts from a Kit from a later year may be used in conjunction with the original Kit declared in pursuant of Technical Regulation 22.15. It is not permitted to revert back to Kit parts from earlier years once Kit parts from later years have been adopted by the competitor.
6.1 The Engine must be homologated by the Manufacturer and/or the Tuner and incorporate all Kit Parts and Specified Parts.
Please also refer to Sporting Regulation 1.16.
6.2 Engine block:
The original axis of the cylinders must be retained, sleeving or re-sleeving of the cylinder bores is allowed; material of the sleeves is free. Machining of all surfaces is allowed.
6.3 Cylinder head:
The position and the axis of the cylinders and ports must be retained, as must the axis and angle of the valves. The removal of material is allowed subject to the restrictions in these Technical Regulations.
6.4 Compression ratio:
Maximum 12:1 with no account taken of volume down from which ever is the lower of the piston crown or block top face to the top piston ring.
6.5 Cylinder head gasket:
6.6 Fuel feed and induction system:
6.6.1 Control of the intake system:
With at least one valve in each cylinder shut and the Engine throttles open, the complete intake system from the specified throttle body must be capable of sustaining a vacuum of 0.2 bar.
Alternatively, if all the valves are shut, either by removing the camshaft(s) or following a repair carried out under the supervision of the Scrutineers, a vacuum of 0.267 bar must be sustained.
Any device used for checking the vacuum must have a maximum nominal output of 35 litres per minute and be capable of obtaining a vacuum of 0.734 bar to 0.867 bar for zero airflow.
6.6.2 Restrictor Size:
The Administrator may vary the size of the specified throttle body for any Competitor. Please refer to Sporting Regulation 1.11.2a.
6.6.3 It is not permitted to inject any fuel or additive other than that specified in the Technical Regulations 20.3 & 22.3. The use of any other substance or device to reduce the temperature of the mixture is forbidden (other than the fuel radiator permitted by Technical Regulation 20.1). It is forbidden to use any type of water injection system.
6.6.4 It is permitted to have a composite inlet duct forward of the throttle body,
6.6.5 A standard ECU as specified in Appendix 01 must be used.
6.6.6 Only direct mechanical linkage between the throttle pedal and the Engine is permitted.
6.6.7 Engine revs control:
Control of the revs below the permitted maximum of 8,500rpm is the responsibility of the Competitor. The Competitor must install a data logger supplied by TOCA.
This data logger must be installed and wired up strictly in accordance with the data logger manufacturer's instructions and any wiring diagrams issued. The regulation wiring plug seal must always be intact. The data logger will be checked and certified by the BTCC Chief Scrutineer and/or the BTCC Technical Commissioner and/or the BTCC Eligibility Scrutineer as and when deemed necessary throughout the Meeting.
The Administrator may vary the maximum permitted rpm for any Competitor. Please refer to Sporting Regulation 1.11.2a.
6.7 Camshaft(s):
Belts, pulleys, chains are free, provided production type and position are retained. Any systems that modulate the valve timing or lift, while the Engine is running, are forbidden.
6.8 Valves:
Shims may be added under the springs. Hydraulic cam followers may be changed for solid ones. Valve lift is 12.0mm maximum. Any variable timing system must be rendered inoperative.
6.9 Ignition:
The ECU and Engine harness as specified in Appendix 01 must be used.
The ECU must be installed on the floor on the passenger side in such a manner as to provide direct and easy access, to facilitate inspection and testing procedures which are to be carried out by the BTCC Chief Scrutineer and/or the BTCC Technical Commissioner and/or the BTCC Eligibility Scrutineer.
The ECU must be installed and wired up strictly in accordance with the ECU manufacturer's instructions and wiring diagrams. Any regulation wiring plug seal must always be intact. The ECU will be checked and certified as and when deemed necessary through out the Meeting by the BTCC Chief Scrutineer and/or the BTCC Technical Commissioner and/or the BTCC Eligibility Scrutineer. It is not permitted to install any other device to control the Engine in any way.
Either series production coils or a coil or coils from the specified list must be used.
6.10 Cooling:
Thermostats if fitted are free or they may be removed. The spraying of water is prohibited. A radiator-blanking panel may be fitted within 20mm of the radiator face, but it must not be adjustable while the vehicle is moving.
6.11 Exhaust:
Free after the Kit exhaust manifold but the noise from the Race Car is not to exceed 118 dB (A) at 6375 RPM when measured at 0.5 metres distance and at a 45 degree angle to the point of exit of the exhaust and at a height above the ground of 0.5m 0.1m. No exhaust pipe or pipes may protrude beyond the perimeter of the Race Car's Bodywork as seen from above; furthermore the outlet for the exhaust pipe must be at the rear of the Race Car, not more than 10 cm from the perimeter of the Race Car.
The exhaust system must incorporate a single catalytic converter as specified for the Championship in Appendix 01, it must be functioning at all times and all exhaust gases must pass through it. This catalyst must be positioned forward of the centre line of the rear wheels and before a single circular silencer. All exhaust pipework must be constructed from circular pipe. Twin pipes after the catalyst are prohibited.
All measures, which are taken to ensure that the maximum noise limit is not exceeded, must be permanent in nature, and must not be removed by the exhaust gas pressure. For example a butterfly valve in the exhaust manifold is prohibited.
6.12 Driving belts and pulleys for ancillaries situated outside the Engine:
These are free, in number, location and design.
6.13 Gaskets:
6.14 Starter:
An electric starter from the list specified in Appendix 01 must be used; it must be capable of starting the Engine at any time by only using energy stored on board.
6.15 Supercharging:
Supercharging is forbidden.
6.16 Sensors:
Only sensors from the list specified in Appendix 01 may be fitted.
7.1 Clutch:
The clutch must be as specified in Appendix 01. Its control must be by a direct mechanical or hydraulic link from the clutch pedal and must be under the direct control of the driver at all times. Automatic operation of the clutch is not allowed. The hydraulic fluid reservoir must not be situated in the cockpit. The clutch must only be activated by the driver's foot. Master cylinder will be from a specified range in Appendix 01.
7.2 Gearbox:
The gearbox must be either the front wheel drive or rear wheel drive 6 forward speed sequential unit as specified in the Appendix 01. The only gear ratios permitted are those listed in Appendix 01.
The ECU specified in Appendix 01 will contain a gear cut option. The reverse gear must be retained and be operational at all times. Homologated external oil coolers and pumps are permitted.
7.3 Final-drive assembly, differentials, and drive-shafts:
The specified differential must either be integral with the gearbox for front wheel drive or be contained in the specified casing for rear wheel drive and is of a mechanical type with adjustment kit as specified in Appendix 01. Any outside control of the differential is prohibited whilst the vehicle is in motion. Drive shafts to the driven wheels must be as specified in Appendix 01 however the length is free. It is not permitted to attach any drive shaft to the undriven wheels for any purpose or to couple the undriven wheels in any way.
7.4 Propulsion:
Traction control is forbidden.
8.1 General
All suspension pivot points must be created by a mass-produced, self-aligning, plain bearing (of a spherical, rod-end or pillow ball type), with a single, steel inner ball running on a metallic or composite liner. There should be no rolling elements between the inner and outer race. The use of ceramics in these bearings is prohibited.
If the inboard pivot is a bearing of finite length, the pivot point is defined as the centre of the bearing element about which the link rotates.
Strengthening of the suspension mounting points through the addition of material is allowed provided that the material used follows the shape of the original part and is in contact with it.
8.2 Track:
The maximum front and rear track measured at the widest part of the complete wheel is the homologated overall body width, + 2% +75mm (please refer to Technical Regulation 9.1 and of the requirement to cover the upper half of wheel)
8.3 Shock absorbers:
Free, provided that their number, their type (telescopic, arm, etc.), their working principle (hydraulic, friction, mixed, etc.) and the Tuner homologated attachment points remain unchanged and they have a maximum of 3 way adjusters. Gas-filled dampers will be considered as hydraulic dampers.
The damper tanks may be attached on to the unmodified Bodyshell of the Race Car, provided that this does not result in modifications which are not authorised by these Technical Regulations.
If, in order to change the damping element of a McPherson suspension, or a suspension operating in an identical manner, it is necessary to replace the entire McPherson strut, the replacement parts must be mechanically equivalent to the original ones and have the same mounting points.
In the case of a McPherson suspension, the shape, dimensions and material of the spring seats are free and they may be adjustable.
In the case of an oil-pneumatic suspension, the spheres may be changed as regards their dimension, shape and material, but not their number. A tap, adjustable from the outside of the Race Car, may be fitted on the spheres.
The use of electro viscous fluid in the shock absorber is not permitted.
8.4 Active systems:
Active systems that control any part or characteristic of the suspension or steering are not permitted.
9.1 The maximum width of the complete wheel is 250mm; the complete wheel diameter is not to exceed 610 mm. The maximum diameter of the wheel is 17 inches.
The tyre is a 24/61 - 17 fitted on a 9J x 17 wheel.
The only tyres and wheels permitted are those specified in Appendix 01.
The complete wheel above the hub centre-line must be able to be housed within the wheel arch (fender). No part of the stub axle, hub assembly, wheel nut and retaining system is permitted to extend beyond the outside plane of the complete wheel.
9.2 Wheels and their attachment:
The only wheels, wheel nuts, retaining systems, hub assemblies, tripods, wheel bearings, wheel bearing seals and wheel pegs permitted are those specified in Appendix 01.
The addition of a wheel cover or any device that modifies the design or function of the specified wheel is not permitted.
9.3 Ground clearance:
The ground clearance under the Race Car must be a minimum of 80 mm at all times when the Race Car is stationary.
A test may be carried out only on a flat surface by the BTCC Chief Scrutineer and/or the BTCC Technical Commissioner and/or the BTCC Eligibility Scrutineer, in race trim, with the driver on board.
9.4 Any system or device that enables the ride height of the Race Car to be controlled is forbidden.
10.1 The only brake calipers, pads, discs, mounting bells and fasteners permitted are those specified Appendix 01. Brake fluid tanks must not be situated in the cockpit.
10.2 Brake discs:
No more than one steel brake disc is permitted on each wheel. The minimum thickness of each disc, which must be present at the start of all official qualifying and races, is defined in the BTC Touring Technical Manual.
10.3 Brake linings:
The only linings permitted are those specified in Appendix 01, a maximum of two pads per calliper are permitted.
10.4 Brake master cylinders must be from specified list in Appendix 01.
10.5 Brake and wheel cooling - drawing number 003:
Only air may be used to cool brake calipers, discs, pads and wheels.
At the front and rear, ducts to bring the air to each wheel are allowed. These air ducts must not extend beyond the perimeter of the wheel rim seen from the side, or more than 150mm inboard of the inside plane of the wheel rim.
For all Race Cars at the front circular flexible ducting from existing holes in the front of the Race Car or from the authorised holes in the front aerodynamic device are permitted, the maximum diameter of this flexible duct is 100 mm alternatively a composite duct with a maximum dimension of 100mm in any direction may be used.
For Rear Wheel Drive Race Cars rear circular flexible ducts to bring air to the brakes of each wheel are permitted, the maximum diameter of the flexible duct is 100mm alternatively a composite duct with a maximum dimension of 100mm in any direction may be used. These air ducts must not protrude beyond the perimeter of the Race Car seen from above, and the air intakes must be situated within the rear half of the wheelbase of the Race Car.
10.6 Handbrake:
Must be removed. No other system is permitted.
10.7 Brake modulation:
Anti-lock brakes and power braking are forbidden
It is permitted for the driver to modify the fore and aft brake balance, using a cockpit mounted purely mechanical manual adjuster operating a balance bar between the two brake master cylinders. Alternatively the specified proportional valve may be fitted so as to adjust the intake pressure of the rear brakes. Only one of these two systems is permitted.
All other methods of adjusting brake balance are forbidden. In other words, no type of pneumatic, additional hydraulic, electric or electronic control (analogue and digital) may be connected to the braking system (e.g. simple electric switches, solenoid valves, etc).
Apart from the manual adjuster mentioned above, the front and rear braking circuit must have fully closed lines without the possibility of modulating the braking pressure on one side or the other.
The steering wheel must have a continuous rim, not incorporating any reflex angles in its basic shape, and be fitted with a quick release mechanism. Its method of release must be by pulling a concentric flange installed on the steering column behind the wheel.
Power steering may be removed or disconnected. Electric power steering is permitted.
The steering may be either right or left-hand. A limited cutting of the bulkhead is permitted as strictly necessary for the passage of a new steering column with no deformation of this bulkhead.
Active systems that control any part or characteristic of the suspension or steering are not permitted.
12.1 The Bodyshell must remain as homologated.
13.1 Except in the case of explicit allowance by these Technical Regulations, all external Bodywork must remain the same shape, material and thickness (thickness tolerance ±2%) as on the BTC Touring Car. The tolerance for the homologated / registered overall length and wheel base will be 0.5% and for front and rear overhangs shall be ± 1.0%.
It is permitted to close air intakes and joints in the front Bodywork a minimum of 10 mm behind the exterior surface of the opening. The use of adhesive tape, without the express authority of the BTCC Chief Scrutineer and/or the BTCC Technical Commissioner and/or the BTCC Eligibility Scrutineer, on the exterior surface of the Race Car is prohibited, except for the use of decals that must not cover, even partially, any hole and/or gap.
13.2 Hang on body panels:
All parts of the Bodywork which are licked by the external airstream and are movable in relation to the Bodyshell (i.e. the boot-lid, bonnet, doors, sun roof, tank filler flap) must be in the fully-closed-position at all times while the Race Car is in motion under its own power. The fully closed position of these parts relative to the Bodyshell must be the same as the BTC Touring Car.
13.3 The Kit wheel arch extensions must be fitted.
13.4 The cutting of the bumper, limited to what is strictly necessary, will be authorised for access to the towing eye. The interior reinforcements of the bumpers may be removed, and the means of attaching the bumpers is limited to 4 individual brackets.
It is permitted to cut the rear bumper to provide clearance for the exhaust pipe; this cut out may provide a maximum of 20mm radial clearance to the exhaust pipe passing through it.
13.5 External decorative strips (Technical Definition 2.10) may be removed.
13.6 Registration plates and their mountings must be removed as well as their lighting system.
13.7 "Skirts" are banned. All non-homologated devices or constructions designed so as to fill, fully or partially, the space between the sprung parts of the Race Car and the ground are forbidden in all circumstances.
13.8 At least two additional manually operated safety fasteners must be fitted for each of the bonnet and boot lids. The original locking mechanisms must be removed.
13.9 All measurements in this Technical Regulation 13 will be taken in race condition without the driver on board.
14.1 Additional safety fastenings for the windows may be fitted provided that they do not improve the aerodynamic qualities of the Race Car.
These additional safety fastenings must be situated at the edges of the glass or polycarbonate where it meets the Bodywork. "Nascar" style supports through the glass or polycarbonate are not allowed.
14.2 The front side windows must be capable of being opened a minimum of 100mm without the use of tools. The rear side windows may be fixed in the closed position.
14.3 The Race Car must be fitted with systems that are capable of effectively demisting all windows with the exception of the rear side windows whilst the Race Car is in motion.
15.1 Windscreen wipers and washers:
The wiper(s) must be mounted in the original position(s) but the type and number of wiper arms and blades is free. The complete rear wiper system must be removed .If fitted the capacity of the washer tank may not exceed 1 litre and it must be located in either the Engine bay or cockpit.
15.2 A maximum of 4 pneumatic jacks as specified in Appendix 01 are permitted, but compressed gas bottles are not to be carried on board. All external air jack-operating valves must be positioned behind the centre line of the rear wheels. It is permitted to install a manually operated valve to select which air jacks are functional.
15.3 External rear-view mirrors:
The reflecting part may be replaced with another possessing the same qualities of reflection and of which the basis is composed of plastic. The electrical defrosting and adjustment systems may be removed.
15.4 Rear vision must be ensured by an inside mirror commanding the rear window completely.
15.5 Additional accessories:
All those that have no influence on the Race Car's behaviour are allowed, e.g. equipment that improves the aesthetics or comfort of the Race Car interior (lighting, radio, etc.). In no case are these accessories permitted to increase the engine power or influence the steering, transmission, brakes or road holding, even indirectly. All controls must retain the role laid down for them by the manufacturer. They may be adapted to facilitate their use and accessibility.
15.6 The horn is not compulsory.
16.1 Any standard production aerodynamic devices will not be permitted unless permitted by the Administrator. Those permitted will be defined at the time of homologation by the Administrator
16.2 Aerodynamic Devices:
Only Kit aerodynamic devices are permitted and must be fitted as homologated.
17.1 Evacuation
The cockpit must be designed and laid out so as to allow the driver to get out from his/her normal driving position in 7 seconds through the driver's door and in 9 seconds through the passenger door.
For the purpose of the above tests, the driver must be wearing all normal driving equipment, the seat belts must be fastened, the steering wheel must be in place in the most inconvenient position, and the doors must be closed with the window net in position.
17.2 Dashboard:
The Kit Part must be fitted. If the instruments are moved towards the driver they must be contained in a housing that is an extension of the original instrument binnacle.
17.3 The cockpit heating system may be removed.
17.4 Air conditioning may be added or removed.
17.5 Air pipes:
Air and ventilation pipes may pass through the cockpit if these are intended for the ventilation of the cockpit or air jacks, or if they meet safety criteria in FIA Art: 253.3.2.
17.6 The data logger / instrumentation package as specified in Appendix 01 must be fitted in the passenger footwell such that any on-board camera can only see the dash panel.
17.7 Other than that specified in Appendix 01 no other instrumentation of any type or any wiring that could be used for such is permitted. It is permitted to add instrumentation wiring to the Pi supplied break out points for the front and rear (Connections 3 & 8 on Pi issued drawing). The allocation of sensors to the logger is the competitors' responsibility bearing in mind that there are a maximum of 10 analogue and 6 digital channels, 4 of the digital channels have been configured for wheelspeed.
All Race Cars must be equipped with at least one front and one rear-towing eye as supplied in the Kit. These will only be used if the Race Car can move freely. They must be clearly visible, marked with an arrow and the word "tow" and painted in yellow, red or orange to contrast with the vehicle colour scheme.
19.1 The nominal voltage of the electrical system, including that of the supply circuit of the ignition, must be 12 volts. The Kit wiring system must be used.
19.2 Battery:
The make and capacity of the sealed battery is free. This battery must be securely fixed and covered to avoid any short-circuits or leaks.
19.3 Alternator:
Type and drive system is free, position must remain original. It must be fully operational at all times.
19.4 Lighting and indicating:
All lighting and signalling devices, as homologated, must be operational with standard wattage bulbs (with the exception of the number-plate lights, reversing lights, front fog lights, high-level brake lights and side repeaters) in order to preserve vehicle identity.
If a reversing light is operational, it must only operate when reverse gear is selected. Front fog lights must be removed and the subsequent apertures must either be blocked off or used as brake cooling duct apertures.
20.1 The fuel tank and system as specified in Appendix 01 must be located in the cockpit forward of the centre line of the rear wheels (see drawing 012). Basic system will include a fluid / flameproof cover and dry break fill system.
It must be secured using a minimum of two metal clamps 30 mm x 3 mm, fixed to the floor pan by bolts and nuts. For attaching these clamps, bolts with a diameter of at least 10 mm must be used, and under each bolt a counterplate at least 3 mm thick and with a surface of at least 20 cm2 below the metal of the floor pan.
Fuel lines are permitted through the cockpit, on condition that they are protected with a liquid-tight and flame proof cover, or comply with FIA Art. 253.3.2.
It is permitted to fit a radiator in the fuel circuit.
The total capacity of the fuel tank must not exceed 60 litres.
20.2 All Race Cars must be fitted with a self-sealing connector that can be used by the scrutineers to obtain fuel from the tank. This connector must be of a type approved by the FIA.
20.3 It is mandatory for all Race Cars to use a specified unleaded fuel complying with BS 7800 and Technical Regulation 22.3 as specified by the Administrator.
21.1 Race Cars must comply with the following requirements of Appendix J, article 252 - General Prescriptions and article 253 - Safety, as published in the FIA Yearbook and Sporting Bulletin, and which are not already covered in these Technical Regulations:
- 252.1.1
- 252.1.5
- 253.3.1 - Protection of lines
- 253.3.2 - Specifications and installation of lines
- 253.3.3 - Automatic fuel cut off (included in specified parts kit)
- 253.3.4 - Fuel cell ventilation - built into standard tank system
- 253.4 - Braking safety system
- 253.7.2 - Extinguishers - system to be as specified in Appendix 01
- 253.8.4 - Safety cage: must be homologated by the MSA
- 253.13 - General circuit breaker
- 253.14 - FT3 tank
- 253.15 - Protection against fire
- 253.17 - Pressure control valves
21.2 The use of "NASCAR" type nets as defined in FIA Art 253.11 affixed to the safety cage is obligatory.
22.1 The TOCA approved performance monitoring device must be installed so as to monitor Engine and Race Car performance.
Details of the specification and installation for this device will be made available to all entrants in the BTC Touring Technical Manual.
22.2 All competitors must fit an Electronic Self Identification Module in either the front wheelarch or engine bay where it will have an unobstructed view of the track timing sensors for the purpose of accurate timing. The BTCC Chief Scrutineer will approve the exact location on each Race Car prior to participation in the Championship. These modules must be in place and functioning correctly for all Championship test days, practice sessions, qualifying sessions and races. The setting and servicing of the modules must only be carried out by properly authorised MSA licensed timekeepers. Competitors will be charged by TOCA for repair or replacement of the modules due to accident damage or misuse.
This unit must be supplied with a 12v, 30 milliamp electrical feed to ensure its constant operation.
Competitors may not place electronic timing equipment within ten metres of the official Start, Finish or any other timing lines at any meeting or TOCA test day. Any such team equipment placed within this zone will be removed.
22.3 The sole supplier of unleaded fuel for the Championship, appointed by TOCA, is Petrochem Carless Ltd. Details of the specification, purchase, distribution and all other arrangements concerning this fuel can be obtained from Michael Jardine (for any technical queries on tel: 01282 779112 or fax: 01282 778660 or answer phone / fax 01253 891266 and e-mail mjardine@petrochemcarless.com). Orders should be sent to Nicole Bass (on tel: 01372 380532 or fax:01372 380404 or e-mail msports@petrochemcarless.com). This is the only fuel allowed to be used by competitors during the course of the championship. Should it be necessary for Carless to manufacture more than one batch of fuel during the season it is not permitted to mix these batches. No alterations to the composition of this fuel and no additional substances of any type are permitted to be made to the fuel as supplied. Purchase of the fuel is the responsibility of the entrant. No fuel will be available for purchase at the circuits.
22.4 The use of any specific device, whether on board or not, to decrease the temperature of the fuel below the ambient temperature is forbidden.
22.5 At all times during a meeting, in addition to the BTCC Officials an official of the nominated fuel supplier appointed by the Administrator will be given free and unrestricted access by all competitors for the purpose of taking fuel samples from Race Cars and/or containers used for refuelling purposes. These fuel samples will be taken in accordance with the procedures set out in B.19.2. of the General Regulations of the MSA. These samples may be analysed and compared with the specified control fuel by qualified personnel using specialised testing equipment provided at the venue. Any discrepancy between these samples will result in the matter being referred immediately for the appropriate judicial action under Regulation 4. The Administrator may disallow the competitor continued participation in the Championship until such time as the matter of any referred discrepancy has been resolved. A competitor must not be in possession of any fuel or any fuel additives in any container at the venue other than Carless Control Fuel (see Regulation 22.3) and standard commercially available motor vehicle fuels.
22.6 At least 3 litres of fuel must remain in each competitor's fuel tank at the end of each qualifying session and race.
22.7 All competitors are required to have a totally up-to-date and definitive wiring diagram available at all meetings for the scrutineers to use for reference when inspecting their Race Car.
22.8.1 Each competitor is required to lodge the following with the BTCC Chief Scrutineer prior to scrutineering for the first meeting in which they are participating:
o Roll Cage Homologation papers
o 25cm x 20cm photographs of the BTC Touring Car and Race Car:
Front View Rear View
Front Threequarters View Rear Threequarters View
Side View Underbody View
o Outline silhouette drawings (A4 size)
Templates of the front and rear wings (fenders) at the centre line of the wheel.
22.8.2. Any permitted revisions to the documentation of 22.8.1 must be lodged with the BTCC Chief Scrutineer as a condition of continued participation in the Championship.
22.9. Race Cars must comply with the noise regulations at all times. Failure to comply during or at the end of any qualifying session or race is an infringement of Technical Regulations.
22.10 Each competitor is required to drill two fuel tank fixing bolts with 2mm holes to take sealing wire for Post Meeting Scrutineering.
22.11 Each team manager must read their Technical Log Book(s) and comply with the directives contained therein and with all Technical Bulletins. The Technical Log Book(s) must be signed by the team manager after each meeting.
22.12.1 The Wheel Guns used in any pit stop must be standard, commercially available and unmodified weighing not less than 5kgs. including the socket. Either the specified socket or those homologated in 2001 must be used.
22.12.2 The jacking of the Race Car must be undertaken by utilising on-board pneumatic jacks operated externally. In the event of failure of that system the use of normal, commercially available trolley jacks will be permitted.
Manually operated quick-lift jacks (containing no hydraulics, pneumatics or electrics) are considered to be trolley jacks and therefore can be used in the event of genuine failure of the on-board pneumatic jacking system. Any failure of the on-board jacking system shall be subject to investigation by the BTCC Chief Scrutineer at post-race scrutineering.
22.12.3 With regard to equipment used to facilitate pit stops, the BTCC Chief Scrutineer and/or BTCC Technical Commissioner has the right to reject and/or enforce modification of any of the equipment at their discretion.
22.13.1 Details of the inspection procedures for the specified electronic devices and associated software, including on-board computer systems, are contained in the BTCC Technical Manual.
22.13.2 Race Cars will not be entitled to compete carrying any electronic device other than the Specified Parts detailed in Appendix 01 items unless with the express written approval of the TOCA Administrator.
22.13.3 TOCA reserves the right throughout the season to undertake further detailed analysis of any electronic devices used by competitors and any other related material in order to ensure that these contain no elements capable of use in a manner which may breach any of the Regulations.
The competitor will supply on demand all electronic devices, source codes, programmes, machine codes and all or any material and equipment necessary to ensure full and proper checking and analysis to the BTCC Chief Scrutineer or BTCC Technical Commissioner in order for such scrutiny to take place by a TOCA recognised analyst. The cost for the analysis and checking shall be borne, in full, by the competitor. Other than in the case of a breach of the Regulations, the details of this analysis will remain confidential to TOCA and the competitor.
Failure to permit or facilitate inspection of electronic devices may be a breach of Sporting Regulations 4.1. and 4.4. and may lead to exclusion from the Championship by the Administrator or to the imposition of any of the penalties set out in Regulation 4.4.
22.14 Pit Lane Speed Control
The specified ECU requires a signal from a wheel speed sensor on an undriven wheel to operate the built in pit lane speed control. This option must be selected by the competitor operating a button on the steering wheel. The rear fog lights must be wired into this system so that they flash when the pit speed control is selected.
Please also refer to Sporting Regulation 3.7.2
22.15 Kit Declaration
The competitor must declare, prior to the first race he / she enters, which homologated Kit is fitted to their Race Car.
At each round of the championship the competitor must declare any updates to the originally declared Kit in their Technical Log Book. |
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